
Similar character database for Morrowind characters?

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Similar character database for Morrowind characters?

Postby BONG » October 14th, 2010, 9:53 am

Is there a similar version of character database webpage for Morrowind characters? :oops:
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Re: Similar character database for Morrowind characters?

Postby Tom » October 14th, 2010, 9:02 pm

Sorry, but as of now we have only created a character database for Oblivion so far. We have contemplated creating a Morrowind character database in the past, but time constraints have been making this seem unlikely to happen anytime in the near future. We do plan on creating a similar database for The Elder Scrolls V when it is released, but that won't happen for quite some time anyway.

I'm not sure if there is another website out there like The Elder Stats that does something similar for Morrowind, but for the time being we do not have a Morrowind version of The Elder Stats. However, it is something we would certainly do if we had more time and resources for development.

Nevertheless, we appreciate your interest. :)
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