
Hours played? Xbox 360

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Hours played? Xbox 360

Postby Baker007 » December 14th, 2012, 10:56 pm

Probably a stupid question but where do I find how many hours my character has played on the 360?
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Re: Hours played? Xbox 360

Postby Tom » December 14th, 2012, 11:37 pm

Welcome to the forums, Baker007!

To view the total time played for a given character, go to your load/saved games area on the game's menu and highlight your latest save file. It will show some data such as your character's name, race, and level. One piece of data will be a three-part number that looks like 053.12.45 — in this particular case, the 053 would be your hours played on that character, the 12 would be the minutes, and the 45 would be the seconds. The first three digits there are what you're looking for. :)
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