Hmm, that still doesn't seem to work.
The entire entry is as follows, so you can see how I have my italic/etc tags set up, that they're closed properly and everything:
- Code: Select all
Dexion Evicus read the Elder Scroll for the Dawnguard. He warned, however, that it didn't have the whole prophecy, and so Alarra returned sheepishly to Urag gro-Shub to ask to buy the Dragon scroll back. Sorine and Gunmar shared their worries about how serious everything's becoming, and advised Alarra to find a priest of Arkay named Florentius. She rescued him from Ruunvald. After this, Alarra and Serana headed to Castle Volkihar to search for Serana's mother, Valerica. They found a hidden labratory and discovered that she had found a way into the Soul Cairn. In order for Alarra to gain access to the Soul Cairn, it was decided that Serana would partially soul-trap her. They entered the Cairn, and mostly just wandered around, uneasy and unsure of where to go. They found the skull of a horse that was wandering around the Cairn and returned it to the horse's previous owner, who showed Alarra how to summon the horse.
[i]Alarra and Serana explore the tunnels of Castle Volkihar[/i]
[b]Gameplay Notes:[/b]
Leveled up to 68! Learned a couple new spells that I purchased from Florentius and found in the Soul Cairn.
It just does this - removes the first [img] tag and makes that text italic:

It's almost as if it's recognizing the first [img] as a [i] instead.