
Skill Re-mastery and other questions

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Skill Re-mastery and other questions

Postby darkdagger6 » September 9th, 2013, 9:24 am

I'm very new to this site, and I am trying to find how to display how many times I have re-mastered a skill.
also a bit confused as to why people are able to lodge votes against my character being legit or not, before I have even had a chance to finish filling in all the stats and providing photographic and possible video proof.
Maybe I am just confused, but something about being aloud to vote possitivly or negitivly toward a character that is not fully filled in on stats and other details does not seem right.

I'd much apreciate if someone could fill me in on how all of this works.
I am simply interested in finding a friendly, supportive, and competitive elder scrolls community site.
Im more then happy to help work to boost the sites popularity and assist where ever else I can.
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Re: Skill Re-mastery and other questions

Postby Xavier » September 19th, 2013, 11:05 pm

We haven't added "Legendary" skills yet, which I'm assume you're referring to when saying you "re-mastered" a skill. It's definitely something that's in the future plans of this site, but hasn't been implemented yet due to time constraints.

If you do not want people voting legitimacy on your character, there's an option to disable it, however, this will remove your character completely from the leaderboards. This would be good in your situation because you wanted time to fill in all of your stats and upload pictures as proof. After you did that, you could then re-enable voting, which would put your character back into the leaderboards.
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