If you look at classes and custom classes, Marksman is listed as a Combat instead of Stealth. This results in there being 8 Combat skills, 7 Magic skills, and 6 Stealth skills. Also, the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages wiki shows Marksman as a Stealth skill.
Marksman is not a Combat Skill
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Re: Marksman is not a Combat Skill
That's my fault. I guess I must have marked it as a Combat skill when I was adding it. Anyway, it's all fixed now. Thanks for reporting this.
Tom - Founder
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Re: Marksman is not a Combat Skill
I was pretty sure it was an oversight (seeing as how your main character is full stealth), but I wasn't sure if I had to provide sources. By the way, awesome job on the site. It's really well put together. I'm a software developer, so I know you must have put a ton of work into making it run this smoothly.
HabaneroRed - Beggar
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Re: Marksman is not a Combat Skill
HabaneroRed wrote:By the way, awesome job on the site. It's really well put together. I'm a software developer, so I know you must have put a ton of work into making it run this smoothly.
Thanks! Yes, it took me about 3 months or so to develop the first stable release of The Elder Stats (version 1.0.0). I started development on it around November 7th, 2008, and version 1.0.0 was released on February 3rd, 2009. But, I didn't care how long it took or how hard it was because I wanted to make The Elder Stats as customized to each and every Oblivion character as possible. Plus, I developed it all on my own, so it was either I worked on it or nothing got done.

Tom - Founder
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Re: Marksman is not a Combat Skill
Wow, I surprised no one reported this before. I didn't notice either.
Good job, HabaneroRed.
Good job, HabaneroRed.
Xavier - Elder Stats Co-Founder & Graphic Designer
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Re: Marksman is not a Combat Skill
Xavier wrote:Wow, I surprised no one reported this before. I didn't notice either.
Good job, HabaneroRed.
Thanks. I'm slightly "detail-oriented", which greatly annoys the other developers I work with. Considering the site was up in only 3 months, I'm surprised by the lack of bugs.
HabaneroRed - Beggar
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Re: Marksman is not a Combat Skill
HabaneroRed wrote:Considering the site was up in only 3 months, I'm surprised by the lack of bugs.
Well, after every feature I added to The Elder Stats, I would put the feature under vigorous individual beta testing right then and there. I would test it out, making sure that it did not cause any errors and that it did its job. Then, I checked to see if the feature left any security loopholes open. By doing this beta testing of every feature after adding it, I was able to quickly make sure that the website was working correctly and, if I found a problem with a feature, I knew exactly where it was in the code since I had just added it.
Tom - Founder
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