Factions that are based on expansion content (KotN and SI) show up as blank when not a member instead of not being listed at all.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a character using the wizard.
2. Manage character.
3. Select 'Yes' for KotN and SI being installed.
4. Do not select any factions.
5. Click 'Modify All Sections'
This bug is hard to reproduce. I played around with it a lot to make it show up. Here are some characters who have this bug:
Expansion Factions
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Re: Expansion Factions
I've noticed this bug before, but it seemed to only happen on some characters and it didn't always show up for the same character, so I was never able to effectively target the bug to fix it. Well, I developed a work-around for the bug and it's now fixed. Thanks for pointing this out, and the links to the profiles helped me to finally catch where the bug was coming from.
Tom - Founder
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Re: Expansion Factions
Tom wrote:the links to the profiles helped me to finally catch where the bug was coming from.
When I started messing around with it, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to recreate it. I'm glad you got it sorted out, good work. I hope you don't think I'm nit-picking with these minor bugs.
HabaneroRed - Beggar
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Re: Expansion Factions
HabaneroRed wrote:I hope you don't think I'm nit-picking with these minor bugs.
Not at all.

Tom - Founder
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