
I think this is a bug...

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I think this is a bug...

Postby Blackfire » November 12th, 2010, 1:10 am

Im trying to post a pic for my character, but it says:

Error(s) Have Been Found While Trying to Upload This Photo; Photo Was Not Uploaded:

• You can only upload .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, and .png image formats.

But ive tried to post the pic with all these file types. why wont it post?
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Re: I think this is a bug...

Postby Tom » November 12th, 2010, 12:30 pm

This has been an issue in the past but was fixed a while back. It usually only arises for people using Internet Explorer. May I ask, what version of Internet Explorer are you using? If you're not sure, then that's fine. I am quite certain that the fix I made a while back should work for all versions of Internet Explorer, but I could be wrong.
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Re: I think this is a bug...

Postby Blackfire » November 13th, 2010, 1:59 am

Tom wrote:This has been an issue in the past but was fixed a while back. It usually only arises for people using Internet Explorer. May I ask, what version of Internet Explorer are you using? If you're not sure, then that's fine. I am quite certain that the fix I made a while back should work for all versions of Internet Explorer, but I could be wrong.

I'm not sure if it is 7 or 8
I'm not on my computer at the moment. I'll be able to tell you when I get back to my house on monday
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Re: I think this is a bug...

Postby Tom » November 13th, 2010, 7:46 am

If it still doesn't work out for you, I'd be happy to upload the picture(s) for your character myself. Of course, I'd like to resolve this issue, but if that can't be done quickly enough, then I can upload for your character on my end if you provide me with the picture(s). :)
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Re: I think this is a bug...

Postby Emperor Casellas I » February 13th, 2011, 8:57 pm

This is also happening to me, but I'm on Google Chrome.
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Re: I think this is a bug...

Postby Tom » February 13th, 2011, 9:18 pm

There may be a different set of mime types for images on Chrome then. I'll take a look at it in the coming week. In the mean time, try uploading your images in another browser such as Firefox or Internet Explorer. That should be a good temporary workaround for the issue until it is resolved with Chrome.
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