Sort by Journal Entries
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Sort by Journal Entries
I've noticed that "Total Journal Entries" has disappeared from the list of things you can sort the leaderboards by. I assume that this was not intentional, since it wasn't talked about anywhere, so I thought I'd mention it. I like using that to see the journal entries other people are writing.
Alarra - Beggar
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Re: Sort by Journal Entries
Interesting... I thought that option was available before, as well, but when I checked through previous versions of the code for the leaderboards, there's no indication that this sorting option was ever present on the leaderboards to begin with. I was sure that I had added it as a sorting option after the Character Journals feature was launched back in January, but I suppose I simply imagined it? Very odd, indeed. 
Whatever the case, the option has been added to the leaderboards now for sure. Sorry about that!

Whatever the case, the option has been added to the leaderboards now for sure. Sorry about that!
Tom - Founder
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Re: Sort by Journal Entries
Don't worry, you didn't imagine it, it was definitely there.
I used to use it to see who else was writing journal entries, and there were more Oblivion ones than I'd been expecting. I first noticed it missing after your recent updates with the turning off ratings and such, but I don't know if it started then or has been around for a while; I've not been around here much lately. I don't know why it wouldn't show up in the previous versions of the code.

Alarra - Beggar
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