
Ye old story-teller's inn - Skyrim Edition

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Ye old story-teller's inn - Skyrim Edition

Postby The Ninja » November 17th, 2011, 6:12 am

A place in which we may congregate and share stories of hilarity, awe, or otherwise...

So, yesterday, I encountered a sare-tooth just northeast of Whiterun, northwest of the lunar forge. Upon firing my first two arrows at the beast, I had to retreat it keep it from becoming within range to strike. I lead it to a bandit camp, where it slaughtered all four of them, before I finished it off from above. This goes to show how powerful sabre-cats are, and here's a rule of thumb:

"If it's a snowy/ice variation of an animal, it's tougher to kill."
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Re: Ye old story-teller's inn - Skyrim Edition

Postby The Ninja » November 18th, 2011, 6:54 pm

So I've been wondering if, like in oblivion, there would be the ability to have an arrow fired into the air and come down a half-minute later. Well, it seems there is. I'm sure many stories of doing this will emerge in the near-future.

"What goes up, must come down."

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE4uzGaQ ... r_embedded
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Re: Ye old story-teller's inn - Skyrim Edition

Postby The Ninja » December 1st, 2011, 7:17 pm

I find myself destroying Trolls, bears, and sabrecats now. They key to it all? "Animal Alliegance." Great shout. I lured two frost-trolls down from the mountains and they killed a group of not-so-easy-to-kill bandits for me.

I've barely done any of the main quest, because all I do is explore everything on my compass, and raid when I can.

There's a certain dwemer obsessed person in a certain cave on a certain iceberg, north of Winterhold. ;P Have fun on THAT quest.

Found M'Aiq about 5 times now, and the headless horseman once.
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