As you can see, the current system for calculating a character's score is quite unbalanced, making for an unfair calculation of each character's score. We are looking to revise the current score system so that it will use the proper stats to calculate scores for each character that will reflect the true quality of that character. Currently, the score is not calculated in such a way, but we're looking to change that - and we need your help!
If you are interested in suggesting your ideas for how character score should be calculated, please visit the topic where we have been discussing this revision: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=91. Read the short first post of the topic to get an idea of what we are setting out to accomplish with this revision. Then take a look at this recent post I have made about our final decisions.
If you want to make a suggestion, please just post in the topic linked to above and let us know if you like an idea that has been posted in that topic, or you may suggest your own idea for how character score should be calculated. Just reply to that topic to let us know your feelings. Even if you only have a small comment on a previous suggestion, that's fine too.
Thank you, everyone, and we will really appreciate your help in this revision. We need it!