Today we made a couple of updates to the Add New Character Wizard and character profiles as a whole. Now, when adding or modifying a character, you have the ability to specify a custom Race and custom Birthsign for that character. This was a popular request, and it makes it convenient for those who play Oblivion with custom Race and Birthsign mods because they can now alternatively enter the name of the custom Race or Birthsign easily. This will not effect the existing system in any way - it only adds functionality. For those of you who do have a custom Race or Birthsign, feel free to update your characters and set the proper custom values. If not, then you can disregard this announcement.
We also added another small feature for character profiles. When you are modifying a character's stats in the UCP, you are now able to change the Gender, Race, and Birthsign that you originally entered for that character. This means that if you made a mistake in specifying one of those values when creating the character, you can now go back and change them to the proper values. We should have allowed those items to be editable from the start, but they are finally editable now!