Above this post is a short poll with a few straight-forward options regarding how easy you find it to update your characters with the current character management interface in the UCP. When we first designed the character management interface, we wanted it to be direct and easy to use, listing all of the pertinent information and statistics to be edited for each character, and allowing the easy modification and updating of these data by our users. However, that was over two years ago. Times change, and ideas change along with it. Therefore, we'd like to open up the floor to your feedback on how well-done the current character management interface is, and where you think it could use improvements. If you still like it the way it is now, that is perfectly fine. We're not looking to change it if our users like it just the way it is; we're just looking to make improvements that our users see fit.
So, please feel free to vote in the poll above and to post your feedback and suggestions in reply to this announcement topic if you have anything to say. Thank you, and enjoy the website.