Now, we'd like to release another preview of the upcoming redesign. This time, we'd like to let you in on the design for Skyrim character profiles! This is only the front "Skills" page of the profile, but it's the most visually appealing:
(Click the image to enlarge it.)

There may be a couple more modifications or additions to this design, but it is nearly finalized at this point. Also, notice at the bottom left corner of the profile that there is a "Legit?" label with Yes or No voting options. Both Oblivion and Skyrim character profiles will have this "Legitimacy Rating" box displayed where viewers can vote on whether they believe the character's stats are legitimate or fake, and other viewers can easily see what people have been saying about the legitimacy of the character by looking at the red and green rating bar. Along with informing others of the credibility of information presented in a character's profile, this legitimacy system will be employed in the leaderboards to keep characters with low legitimacy ratings hidden from the leaderboards. This is intended to put the power to keep the leaderboards free from false statistics in the hands of our members, making the system more efficient and more democratic.
We hope these new designs and features are exciting ones! We're still aiming for a summer release of the new site, so please check back every once in a while to see if we've made the switch yet. And, as always, we welcome your feedback.