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Postby eiire » September 1st, 2012, 9:52 pm

Didn't see this topic any where else so I decided to make it. I was wondering if who ever runs this site could add a perk section to the Skyrim stat cards, maybe adding it under the Skills and stats section. It would be appreciated. thanks.
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Re: Perks

Postby Xavier » September 1st, 2012, 11:24 pm

Before we added Skyrim, we discussed adding perks, but decided to wait and see if it was important enough to our members. We've already had others asking about perks, so there's a good chance you'll see them eventually.
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Re: Perks

Postby Zero_PS3 » October 30th, 2012, 11:49 am

Yeah please add them.
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Re: Perks

Postby Alarra » January 7th, 2013, 7:28 am

I would like some sort of Perks feature too, including Vampire and Werewolf trees. It could go on the "Profile" tab, underneath "Skills" and "Stats".
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Re: Perks

Postby greypixie » January 17th, 2013, 8:09 pm

Hi I'm greypixie,

First of all ¡Congratulations! Your site is great.

I agree with eiire, a perk feature would be nice. Hope you can create it. ;)
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Re: Perks

Postby Gbaji » January 19th, 2013, 7:00 pm

Please add my voice to support for Perks for Skyrim stats.
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Re: Perks

Postby ToxicCosmos » January 27th, 2013, 7:51 pm

I, too, would love this feature. :)
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Re: Perks

Postby redguard_master » February 2nd, 2013, 11:24 pm

Now with dragonborn perks are quite variable.
I would be a procrastinator, but I keep putting it off.
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Re: Perks

Postby baratron » July 2nd, 2013, 2:38 am

I always thought it would be amazingly awesome if you (Tom) could talk to the guy who wrote the Skyrim Perk Calculator about using his code for perk trees, since it's already written and optimised for use on a web site. But you'd have to thrash out copyright issues for who owned which bit of code, as well as thrashing out the annoying bug (feature?) whereby every time you update your perk tree, it resaves with a new Build ID. There'd be quite a bit of integration to do.

But I shall suggest it here anyway, just in case you haven't already thought of it - while recognising that if it's completely impractical, you can simply ignore me.
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Re: Perks

Postby Tom » July 2nd, 2013, 6:38 am

I had never heard of that Skyrim Perk Calculator before, but it looks very cool. The developer obviously put in a lot of effort to build it, and it seems that he's in the process of updating the site, so I'm interested to see what the new and improved version will look like.

To be honest, even if I could somehow negotiate a deal with the creator of the Perk Calculator whereby I could use his code on The Elder Stats to generate perk trees for characters, it would probably take away from the appeal of his site if The Elder Stats suddenly started offering that feature. I was once asked by someone making an Elder Scrolls site similar to The Elder Stats if I would be willing to freely give him a copy of the codebase for this site so that he could use it for his site, and that he would give me a small mention of some sort for having lent it to him. My response was an amiable yet firm "no" — why should I freely hand over my hard work to someone else who will use it to produce a service that will likely be in direct competition with my own? I feel that I would receive the same response from the creator of the Skyrim Perk Calculator, and I would respect and understand such a response being a web developer myself.

Now, I could implement my own version of a perk tree generator on The Elder Stats with some work, but I'm at the point now where I'm seriously questioning whether or not adding medium-to-large scale features to this site is really worth my time anymore. In the past year, I've become very busy with my undergraduate engineering studies, in addition to learning Android development and working on a new personal web project with a friend of mine, so my time has become increasingly more limited. I really love The Elder Stats, and I don't want to let it stagnate by becoming outdated or not providing enough new features to keep users interested; however, I haven't seen the activity levels on this site that I had expected to see for quite some time now, and thus I have questioned whether continuing to improve and add-on to the site is really a worthwhile investment of my time.

So, while I'd love to implement a perk tree system for character profiles, along with some other neat stuff that others have suggested in the past, I don't know whether I'll actually get to it, or whether there's even enough interest from the community for it to be worthwhile for me to do so.

I appreciate all new feature suggestions, though, and hope that one day I'll find a way to implement them here. :)
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