
Morrowind Characters Support

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Morrowind Characters Support

Postby Magistrate » January 13th, 2013, 4:44 pm

Would it be feasible? I believe it would help growing the userbase, besides it shouldn't be that hard to do (granted I have not the experience of Tom in that) and believe it or not, people are STILL playing Morrowind nowadays (hell, I do as well :))
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Re: Morrowind Characters Support

Postby Tom » January 14th, 2013, 2:38 am

This idea has no doubt come up in discussion a couple of times in the past, both here on the forums and in my own musings. Fitting in Morrowind support would be a little tricky, but it would certainly be feasible. I know that a lot of people play Morrowind still today, but I really don't want to add any more huge features to the site until I start seeing it grow steadily with what it already has going. If the site sees some spikes in activity through some efforts at recruiting (which I'm currently in the process of executing), then I'll seriously consider adding Morrowind to the list of games supported by the site here. However, I'd like to see a little bit more of a return on my current "investment" before I invest a whole lot more. ;)
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Re: Morrowind Characters Support

Postby Magistrate » January 15th, 2013, 6:53 pm

Tom, I am just throwing ideas, of course I do not expect everything implemented :) The point is garnering interest and increasing the user-base though, so I believe adding support for the most famous TES game may bring some "returns" (unless it requires a huge amount of work of course) and I suggested that because when I first visited your site the FIRST thing I thought was "Where is Morrowind support?" then I went on putting my skyrim character in, but I am sure many others visited the site and thought the same.
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Re: Morrowind Characters Support

Postby Witchery » April 16th, 2013, 7:22 pm

I personally would love to see this implemented!
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Re: Morrowind Characters Support

Postby Alarra » May 30th, 2013, 4:11 am

This thread is a little old, but I'd like to see this too. I just started Morrowind. :)
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Re: Morrowind Characters Support

Postby Torapa » July 28th, 2013, 12:34 am

Aye me too!
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Re: Morrowind Characters Support

Postby baratron » November 6th, 2013, 11:45 am

I really understand your point of view, Tom, especially with your university work. I have never played Morrowind and have no real idea of the amount of work required to add it. However, when I mention Elder Stats to people and they come to the site to look, the first thing I hear from a lot of them is "Oh. No Morrowind." And because they can't enter the information for their favourite characters/game, they don't bother to stick around.

The impression I have about Elder Stats is that not a huge number of people use it, but the regulars absolutely love it.
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Re: Morrowind Characters Support

Postby Hlaalu66 » February 18th, 2014, 6:53 pm

I support the idea of adding Morrowind to the Elder Scrolls stats
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Re: Morrowind Characters Support

Postby HaxAras » August 19th, 2014, 11:31 pm

Maybe I'm a little late, I only found this site a few days ago. I would LOVE to see my Morrowind characters on this site as well. That was one of the first things I noticed missing when I found the site. I introduced a friend to the site who loved the idea of this site.

When I signed up a few days ago this was the first I'd ever heard of the site, it could definitely use some help getting the word out. If telling people about this site is what it takes to get Morrowind stats I'd be more than happy to help. I'm going to continue to tell people about the site and share my characters with friends.
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