
Three digit levels in Skyrim

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Re: Three digit levels in Skyrim

Postby Korock » July 6th, 2013, 6:51 pm

I would also love to see this Implemented, I have already done 13 Legendary skill resets!
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Re: Three digit levels in Skyrim

Postby iArcadia » August 21st, 2013, 3:22 pm

Any news about the implementation of Legendary Skills on the site ?
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Re: Three digit levels in Skyrim

Postby Tom » September 24th, 2013, 6:23 am

iArcadia wrote:Any news about the implementation of Legendary Skills on the site ?

Pretty late reply here, but currently I don't know when this is going to be implemented. I know that it's been a while and it's not terribly hard for me to do, but it's going to require a bit of modification of the way we store character data in our database, and I suppose that's what makes it not so quick of a feature to whip up — especially given that my schedule is so tight due to university classes having recently started up again.

Rest assured that it will happen, I just need to get around to it. Not the best answer, I know, but I want to emphasize that we really do appreciate everyone's interest in the site and in seeing Legendary skills supported in character profiles, and we won't forget you. :)
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