
Add Dawnguard Quests and Dragonborn Quests

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Add Dawnguard Quests and Dragonborn Quests

Postby baratron » November 6th, 2013, 11:50 am

I remembered the very quick feature request I had.

Currently, when you have a Skyrim character and you go to Stats and then the Quest tab, the first thing you see is "Quests Completed". However, this no longer agrees with the game itself if you have any DLC.

If you have Dawnguard, then there is a line for "Dawnguard Quests Completed" and if you have Dragonborn, then there is a line for "Dragonborn Quests Completed". I can't remember now which order they go in because I don't have the game in front of me :shock:.

Would it be possible to add those two extra lines of data?
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