The title says it all, I also just don't fee like re-typing that. I'm new to the site, I found it a few days ago. I decided to make my current character a challenge run, the challenges are too many to name but the biggest two were; Legendary reset every skill at least once and get it back to 100 again, play the game on Legendary. It's kind of a problem not being able to post how many times I've legendary reset a skill.
I've legendary reset Archery 3 times and currently it's around 85-90 in game again. On my stats page I marked it as 3** which is fine. But what happens when I get to my 10th reset? I can't make it 1,000. I reset it 3 times before I ever even got Speechcraft reset once. I was considering using Archery until all my stealth skills were maxed a second time and perked out. I would probably use it while on some magic schools as well. I don't know how I can kill with Restoration.
That could be a real problem for me eventually. I also don't want people accusing me of cheating when they see my stats and don't understand it was legendary reset. Eventually I'll upload screenshots to prove all my stats. I don't feel like doing it now because I'm playing that character a lot and they'd be outdated in hours.
Will there ever be legendary reset stats on the characters?
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Re: Will there ever be legendary reset stats on the characters?
Hi HaxAras, thanks for your feedback. 
I know that this post is from many months ago, but I just wanted to say that I do not currently have plans of including legendary reset stats in character profiles. I may get around to implementing this feature in the not too distant future, but I can't say for sure. In the mean time, I think the best way to denote which stats were made legendary and how many times is to place this information in the character's bio. Not an ideal solution, of course, but it will work for now until I get around to implementing the actual feature.

I know that this post is from many months ago, but I just wanted to say that I do not currently have plans of including legendary reset stats in character profiles. I may get around to implementing this feature in the not too distant future, but I can't say for sure. In the mean time, I think the best way to denote which stats were made legendary and how many times is to place this information in the character's bio. Not an ideal solution, of course, but it will work for now until I get around to implementing the actual feature.
Tom - Founder
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Re: Will there ever be legendary reset stats on the characters?
My character Leigh-Cheri today achieved Level 155 in Skyrim primarily as a result of 18 X 100 LEGENDARY score in ALCHEMY
16 X 100 LEGENDARY score in SMITHING and 13 X 100 LEGENDARY score in ENCHANTING. Since this STAT SITE is set up to track Stats with Leaderboards I don't see how you cannot accommodate LEGENDARY status in the compilation of these STATS if you want the LEADERBOARDS and STATS to be meaningful. I have posted 999 scores for Alchemy Smithing and Enchanting for my Leigh-Cheri character and those scores are well under the actual scores achieved, but I"ve received one RED vote even though I posted photos of the LEGENDARY scores and some of my General Stats screens from a week ago.
I like what you have done with this site and I am grateful to see what other players are doing - but it is a big problem without the LEGENDARY status included to get any realistic comparison. This SKYRIM is an interesting game and I've been interested in how other people play since I only started about 3 months ago. I didn't even realize how LEGENDARY worked until very late in the game when I was stuck forever going from 57 to 60 Level. Once I got how LEGENDARY worked I got from 60 to 130 in the same time it took to go from 57 to 60. I have figured out how to Level up rapidly now and would be glad to share what I've learned if anyone is interested. Since there is nothing much to do with the millions of gold the only thing to do as I see it is to Level Up and the best way to Level up is using the LEGENDARY resets.
My character Leigh-Cheri today achieved Level 155 in Skyrim primarily as a result of 18 X 100 LEGENDARY score in ALCHEMY
16 X 100 LEGENDARY score in SMITHING and 13 X 100 LEGENDARY score in ENCHANTING. Since this STAT SITE is set up to track Stats with Leaderboards I don't see how you cannot accommodate LEGENDARY status in the compilation of these STATS if you want the LEADERBOARDS and STATS to be meaningful. I have posted 999 scores for Alchemy Smithing and Enchanting for my Leigh-Cheri character and those scores are well under the actual scores achieved, but I"ve received one RED vote even though I posted photos of the LEGENDARY scores and some of my General Stats screens from a week ago.
I like what you have done with this site and I am grateful to see what other players are doing - but it is a big problem without the LEGENDARY status included to get any realistic comparison. This SKYRIM is an interesting game and I've been interested in how other people play since I only started about 3 months ago. I didn't even realize how LEGENDARY worked until very late in the game when I was stuck forever going from 57 to 60 Level. Once I got how LEGENDARY worked I got from 60 to 130 in the same time it took to go from 57 to 60. I have figured out how to Level up rapidly now and would be glad to share what I've learned if anyone is interested. Since there is nothing much to do with the millions of gold the only thing to do as I see it is to Level Up and the best way to Level up is using the LEGENDARY resets.
- aurabass
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Re: Will there ever be legendary reset stats on the characters?
I have to agree that it's definitely important to implement this feature. HOWEVER, I would consider the alchemy/enchanting exploit exactly what it exploit. I can level alchemy really easy if my alchemy gear is +2000% for each piece, since the higher value the potion, the greater increase to the skill. I can then sell that potion worth 150,000 gold to speed level speech.
Alchemy, smithing and speech are the 3 easiest skills to exploit once you are in a position to do so with enchanting not too far behind.
Exploiting hidden an exploit. It's constant free(unearned) gold which can be used to level up skills.
Unfortunately there is no real way to tell who exploited the system and who didn't but I still think having a marker for legendary status would be nice. Maybe a window pulldown by each skill. Not everyone is going to look at the pictures to see if any are posted before assuming a character exploited or is illegitimate.
In the end, I guess it's all up to assumption. but legendary status markers would help curb ignorant votes.
To offer a second opinion: Maybe this is why legendary skill marks are NOT implemented. Some skills are too easy to exploit up over and over.
Alchemy, smithing and speech are the 3 easiest skills to exploit once you are in a position to do so with enchanting not too far behind.
Exploiting hidden an exploit. It's constant free(unearned) gold which can be used to level up skills.
Unfortunately there is no real way to tell who exploited the system and who didn't but I still think having a marker for legendary status would be nice. Maybe a window pulldown by each skill. Not everyone is going to look at the pictures to see if any are posted before assuming a character exploited or is illegitimate.
In the end, I guess it's all up to assumption. but legendary status markers would help curb ignorant votes.
To offer a second opinion: Maybe this is why legendary skill marks are NOT implemented. Some skills are too easy to exploit up over and over.
- Dyhart
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Re: Will there ever be legendary reset stats on the characters?
I have no frame of reference for the term "exploit" which appears from your comment to have a negative connotation. My personal opinion is that concentrating on mining, collection souls, gemstones, and ingredients; and collecting ingots to make armor and weapons is a completely legitimate way to LEVEL UP. I have not used LEGENDARY RESET on Archery or Speech because I don't want to reduce the effectiveness of those skills that make it easier to increase my Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing abilities.
I have enjoyed walking around SKYRIM from ore vein to ore vein collecting ingredients and souls on my path and I am still finding things that are not marked on maps by that process. This type of "work" is rewarded by the ability to produce weapons, armor, jewelry and potions/poisons by the dozens. I prefer this method to stealing or pickpocket but that' just a personal preference and I don't understand why it would be denigrated as an "exploit" - although I get that I am playing the game the way it was designed.
So my question is this: Do you consider outfitting your character in the appropriate Alchemy or Smith apparel and making use of the Perks and special powers that enhance these skills to be a misuse of these abilities?
It took quite some time to gain the knowledge required to understand the elements that make it possible to maximize LEVEL advancement - what to purchase/acquire from the merchants, which ingredients are most helpful and where to find them, how to maximize soul collection for enchanting and even what to SMITH at what level to make that ability pay off most effectively. It seems to me that's a skill gained by "work" or good game play and not some "exploitation" of a weakness in the game's design. The game designers appear to have intended that players who so desire can "LEARN" how to LEVEL UP - but I don't understand your comment that these skills are the "easiest to exploit" - for me they are the most effective skills to master if the aim is to increase your level and thus a part of intended game play. But perhaps I misunderstand the connotation of "exploit" as you intend it.
I now have a strongbox on the balcony of Lakeview Manor near my Enchanting Table with well over 2000 Circlets (62) Gold Ring with various jewels (1058) Silver rings with jewels (120) Gold necklaces with jewels (793) Silver necklaces with jewels (522) and unjeweled gold and silver rings/neckaces (446). These enchanted jewelry pieces will likely never be sold since their weight to value ratio is less than the 20000 potions and poisons I have manufactured.
I also acquire every "PEERLESS necklace, ring or circlet I find offered for sale along with every "MASTER" robe and most "EXPERT" robes in order to carry the greatest values in goods as related to weight exchanged with merchants for weapons and armor. So at every house I have a wardrobe with 40 or more Master Robes and Peerless Circlets, rings and necklaces. These collections of valuable apparel items are never calculated in any of the STATS but that is the storage for the vast majority of my "WEALTH".
I only wish I had known the benefit of greenhouses when I built the Helharchen and Winstead Estates, The Apiary and grist mills are useless, the fish hatchery is only moderately useful since the fish are not prime ingredients but greenhouses can produce effective amounts of the best plant ingredient and they also seem to produce significant amounts of butterfly and luna moth wing along with the relatively useless torchbugs and bees. Knowing the area south of Windhelm is the best place to score Jazbay, Dragon Tongue and Creep Cluster is valuable. Knowing the catacombs in Solitude is the best source of Hanging Moss is great. Learning that 500 Saltpile plus 500 Deathbell can produce enough poison for a LEGENDARY RESET is priceless and learning that the Giants Toes are perhaps the most important ingredient in Skyrim is valuable. I now schedule my Skyrim tours to take down every giant as often as possible including visits to Giants Grove every 10 to 30 Skyrim days.
So I wonder if the acquisition of this "knowledge" is somehow exploitative? Or is it simply intelligent game play?
I have no frame of reference for the term "exploit" which appears from your comment to have a negative connotation. My personal opinion is that concentrating on mining, collection souls, gemstones, and ingredients; and collecting ingots to make armor and weapons is a completely legitimate way to LEVEL UP. I have not used LEGENDARY RESET on Archery or Speech because I don't want to reduce the effectiveness of those skills that make it easier to increase my Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing abilities.
I have enjoyed walking around SKYRIM from ore vein to ore vein collecting ingredients and souls on my path and I am still finding things that are not marked on maps by that process. This type of "work" is rewarded by the ability to produce weapons, armor, jewelry and potions/poisons by the dozens. I prefer this method to stealing or pickpocket but that' just a personal preference and I don't understand why it would be denigrated as an "exploit" - although I get that I am playing the game the way it was designed.
So my question is this: Do you consider outfitting your character in the appropriate Alchemy or Smith apparel and making use of the Perks and special powers that enhance these skills to be a misuse of these abilities?
It took quite some time to gain the knowledge required to understand the elements that make it possible to maximize LEVEL advancement - what to purchase/acquire from the merchants, which ingredients are most helpful and where to find them, how to maximize soul collection for enchanting and even what to SMITH at what level to make that ability pay off most effectively. It seems to me that's a skill gained by "work" or good game play and not some "exploitation" of a weakness in the game's design. The game designers appear to have intended that players who so desire can "LEARN" how to LEVEL UP - but I don't understand your comment that these skills are the "easiest to exploit" - for me they are the most effective skills to master if the aim is to increase your level and thus a part of intended game play. But perhaps I misunderstand the connotation of "exploit" as you intend it.
I now have a strongbox on the balcony of Lakeview Manor near my Enchanting Table with well over 2000 Circlets (62) Gold Ring with various jewels (1058) Silver rings with jewels (120) Gold necklaces with jewels (793) Silver necklaces with jewels (522) and unjeweled gold and silver rings/neckaces (446). These enchanted jewelry pieces will likely never be sold since their weight to value ratio is less than the 20000 potions and poisons I have manufactured.
I also acquire every "PEERLESS necklace, ring or circlet I find offered for sale along with every "MASTER" robe and most "EXPERT" robes in order to carry the greatest values in goods as related to weight exchanged with merchants for weapons and armor. So at every house I have a wardrobe with 40 or more Master Robes and Peerless Circlets, rings and necklaces. These collections of valuable apparel items are never calculated in any of the STATS but that is the storage for the vast majority of my "WEALTH".
I only wish I had known the benefit of greenhouses when I built the Helharchen and Winstead Estates, The Apiary and grist mills are useless, the fish hatchery is only moderately useful since the fish are not prime ingredients but greenhouses can produce effective amounts of the best plant ingredient and they also seem to produce significant amounts of butterfly and luna moth wing along with the relatively useless torchbugs and bees. Knowing the area south of Windhelm is the best place to score Jazbay, Dragon Tongue and Creep Cluster is valuable. Knowing the catacombs in Solitude is the best source of Hanging Moss is great. Learning that 500 Saltpile plus 500 Deathbell can produce enough poison for a LEGENDARY RESET is priceless and learning that the Giants Toes are perhaps the most important ingredient in Skyrim is valuable. I now schedule my Skyrim tours to take down every giant as often as possible including visits to Giants Grove every 10 to 30 Skyrim days.
So I wonder if the acquisition of this "knowledge" is somehow exploitative? Or is it simply intelligent game play?
- aurabass
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Re: Will there ever be legendary reset stats on the characters?
I can honesty say after reading your post, that you had no idea what i was talking about concerning exploits. I will explain. I don't know how much of the game you have mastered but I can only assume the 800+ hours you've clocked would translate to quite a bit. Even so, without research it would be very hard to find these exploits on your own. But I assume you know that The VALUE of the potion created, determines how fast alchemy increases(giant toes and wheat), and the value of the item sold, determines the increase of the speech skill. Offhand i do not remember what determines smithing increase, but if it's value of item, then it's just as easy with exploited smithing gear. If you care to watch this video, you will see what I mean.
as you can see the value of these potions would pretty much enable you to go from skill level 15 in alchemy, straight to 100 by making a single potion. As once you have the exploited alchemy gear, you won't need a high skill. In minutes you can make alchemy legendary multiple times. This is why I say it is one of the easiest skills to exploit up. As there is no sure way to tell who did this and who didn't, it all depends on what people think you did or didn't do.
What I want to know from TOM, is if making our skills over 100 is even allowed on this site. Back in the beginning, level 81 was the absolute highest you can get and that was with every skill at 100. There was no such thing as legendary skills. This is probably why I personally have mixed feelings about putting skills higher than 100, but that's just me. A level 81 with all skills at 100 will have a lower score than a level 155 with all skills at 100, and that's where you get your points from. But 100 is still 100 no matter how many times it became that way. I personally won't be making my skills higher than 100 as they can't go that high and last time I checked, the #1 on the leaderboard, hasn't done that either.
Not that I care about my leaderboard position. Competing just isn't fun for me and if you've ever played a game on the 360 that had its own leaderboards then you will know how much they are hacked just so they can have the #1 spot in a video game.
I can honesty say after reading your post, that you had no idea what i was talking about concerning exploits. I will explain. I don't know how much of the game you have mastered but I can only assume the 800+ hours you've clocked would translate to quite a bit. Even so, without research it would be very hard to find these exploits on your own. But I assume you know that The VALUE of the potion created, determines how fast alchemy increases(giant toes and wheat), and the value of the item sold, determines the increase of the speech skill. Offhand i do not remember what determines smithing increase, but if it's value of item, then it's just as easy with exploited smithing gear. If you care to watch this video, you will see what I mean.
as you can see the value of these potions would pretty much enable you to go from skill level 15 in alchemy, straight to 100 by making a single potion. As once you have the exploited alchemy gear, you won't need a high skill. In minutes you can make alchemy legendary multiple times. This is why I say it is one of the easiest skills to exploit up. As there is no sure way to tell who did this and who didn't, it all depends on what people think you did or didn't do.
What I want to know from TOM, is if making our skills over 100 is even allowed on this site. Back in the beginning, level 81 was the absolute highest you can get and that was with every skill at 100. There was no such thing as legendary skills. This is probably why I personally have mixed feelings about putting skills higher than 100, but that's just me. A level 81 with all skills at 100 will have a lower score than a level 155 with all skills at 100, and that's where you get your points from. But 100 is still 100 no matter how many times it became that way. I personally won't be making my skills higher than 100 as they can't go that high and last time I checked, the #1 on the leaderboard, hasn't done that either.
Not that I care about my leaderboard position. Competing just isn't fun for me and if you've ever played a game on the 360 that had its own leaderboards then you will know how much they are hacked just so they can have the #1 spot in a video game.
- Dyhart
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Re: Will there ever be legendary reset stats on the characters?
As I said in the opening of my reply to your post "I have no frame of reference" concerning your use of "exploit". I do realize that the greater the value of the mixed potion/poison the further the LEVEL bar moves. That's true for everything that has a value like jewelry, weapons, armor or enchantments.
I realize that Giant Toes are more valuable that most ingredients - they are also more difficult to come by. Like Black Soul Gems are more valuable and more difficult to come by - so it only makes sense that they would have a greater benefit for moving the level bar. What I don't understand is your use of "exploit" as if it were somehow unfair or out of whack with the basic concept of the game. For me it seems perfectly reasonable and fair to use the more difficult to come by items to gain more level.
As I said in the opening of my reply to your post "I have no frame of reference" concerning your use of "exploit". I do realize that the greater the value of the mixed potion/poison the further the LEVEL bar moves. That's true for everything that has a value like jewelry, weapons, armor or enchantments.
I realize that Giant Toes are more valuable that most ingredients - they are also more difficult to come by. Like Black Soul Gems are more valuable and more difficult to come by - so it only makes sense that they would have a greater benefit for moving the level bar. What I don't understand is your use of "exploit" as if it were somehow unfair or out of whack with the basic concept of the game. For me it seems perfectly reasonable and fair to use the more difficult to come by items to gain more level.
- aurabass
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Re: Will there ever be legendary reset stats on the characters?
"As I said in the opening of my reply to your post "I have no frame of reference" concerning your use of "exploit"."
Well Now you do if you looked at the video. Now if you think that isn't exploiting, then you simply think anything left in the game is fair. See now because of this, I made ONE item and leveled my smithing from 30 to 100 which gave me at least 5 levels. If you think this isn't exploiting, then you are wrong. Which reminds me, I need to make note of this. I also now have +2000 or so carry weight. This will allow me to be my very own strongbox. So you can see the basis as to what would be an exploit and what wouldn't be, I hope.
I don't think using a trainer and then pick pocketing your gold back is exploiting as you still need to go through the method "legally" I'm just saying you picked the 3 easiest skills to cheat up as the ones to make legendary over and over which COULD call into question the legitimacy of your character, which was the nature of your very first post. I was for lack of a better term "providing some degree of logic" behind negative votes on ANY character.
I don't think making a NORMAL fortify alchemy set to make stronger potions would be exploiting anything. It's when a single piece offers +1000% that it becomes an exploit.
There's a hidden chest in dawnstar that is directly linked to the Khajiit caravan vendor in the area. You can loot that chest(contains filled soul gems and 750 gold among other things) save the game, kill the vendor, then load the game, talk to the vendor...all in that order. and the contents will be replenished. This will allow you unlimited gold and unlimited FILLED soul gems.
Since you have been doing this fairly, by killing beasts, wouldn't this be exploiting if someone did it this way instead? In about 2 hours you could probably easily have enchanting up to 100.
"As I said in the opening of my reply to your post "I have no frame of reference" concerning your use of "exploit"."
Well Now you do if you looked at the video. Now if you think that isn't exploiting, then you simply think anything left in the game is fair. See now because of this, I made ONE item and leveled my smithing from 30 to 100 which gave me at least 5 levels. If you think this isn't exploiting, then you are wrong. Which reminds me, I need to make note of this. I also now have +2000 or so carry weight. This will allow me to be my very own strongbox. So you can see the basis as to what would be an exploit and what wouldn't be, I hope.
I don't think using a trainer and then pick pocketing your gold back is exploiting as you still need to go through the method "legally" I'm just saying you picked the 3 easiest skills to cheat up as the ones to make legendary over and over which COULD call into question the legitimacy of your character, which was the nature of your very first post. I was for lack of a better term "providing some degree of logic" behind negative votes on ANY character.
I don't think making a NORMAL fortify alchemy set to make stronger potions would be exploiting anything. It's when a single piece offers +1000% that it becomes an exploit.
There's a hidden chest in dawnstar that is directly linked to the Khajiit caravan vendor in the area. You can loot that chest(contains filled soul gems and 750 gold among other things) save the game, kill the vendor, then load the game, talk to the vendor...all in that order. and the contents will be replenished. This will allow you unlimited gold and unlimited FILLED soul gems.
Since you have been doing this fairly, by killing beasts, wouldn't this be exploiting if someone did it this way instead? In about 2 hours you could probably easily have enchanting up to 100.
- Dyhart
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Re: Will there ever be legendary reset stats on the characters?
Dyhart wrote:What I want to know from TOM, is if making our skills over 100 is even allowed on this site. Back in the beginning, level 81 was the absolute highest you can get and that was with every skill at 100. There was no such thing as legendary skills. This is probably why I personally have mixed feelings about putting skills higher than 100, but that's just me. A level 81 with all skills at 100 will have a lower score than a level 155 with all skills at 100, and that's where you get your points from. But 100 is still 100 no matter how many times it became that way. I personally won't be making my skills higher than 100 as they can't go that high and last time I checked, the #1 on the leaderboard, hasn't done that either.
This. I don't know how score is calculated, but it seems an unfair advantage to put a skill over 100. Unless you have an uncapper mod, skills can't go above 100 in the game. If a skill higher than 100 contributes to a higher overall score, then I'd consider it an inaccurate/unfair representation of a character's stats that leads to a higher score than what should have been given... An illegitimate character, in other words. It's an exaggeration. An exaggeration brought on by lack of support for the legendary patch, but an exaggeration nonetheless.
The one way to avoid that would be to list the number of times a skill has been reset in the character bio (or journal, I suppose). It's quick, easy, and provides a more fair representation of the actual stats a character has and evens out the scoreboard.
Honestly, I feel as though skills should simply be capped at 100. It would probably get complaints, but it would eliminate the issues surrounding skills higher than the default game cap.
I should specify I meant capping the skills at 100 for Skyrim. For Oblivion characters, that's obviously not an option. Oblivion can go above 100 if you do certain quests or have read the Oghma Infinium (which has a note on the character's biography). Things like that are normal.
Listing skill values for Skyrim as over 100, on the other hand, is not normal. Unless you're wearing stat enhancing gear, it wouldn't go above 100 under normal circumstances.
CaptainMauin - Mudcrab
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Re: Will there ever be legendary reset stats on the characters?
Hey guys,
Sorry for the late reply here. I agree that implementing legendary markers for stats in character profiles is a necessity. I've tried doing it in the past, but I found it difficult to implement a nice user interface to allow character creators to edit the legendary number for each skill. I think that, at this point, it would just be best to implement the feature in the simplest way possible so that at least it's there for people to use. Time hasn't been on my side, so I've been delaying to get around to this, but I'll try to get around to it in the next month. If you notice that I'm non-responsive on the issue after some time, though, feel free to remind me.
Sorry for the late reply here. I agree that implementing legendary markers for stats in character profiles is a necessity. I've tried doing it in the past, but I found it difficult to implement a nice user interface to allow character creators to edit the legendary number for each skill. I think that, at this point, it would just be best to implement the feature in the simplest way possible so that at least it's there for people to use. Time hasn't been on my side, so I've been delaying to get around to this, but I'll try to get around to it in the next month. If you notice that I'm non-responsive on the issue after some time, though, feel free to remind me.

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