
question about stats

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question about stats

Postby Meisterdieb » May 8th, 2015, 8:41 am

Browsing through the lists I noticed some stats that to me don't appear possible.
For example, lots of chars have "Standing Stones visited" with a number higher than 13;
in some cases way over 40, even over 100.
As there are only 13 standing stones, how is that possible?
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Re: question about stats

Postby Tom » May 9th, 2015, 2:59 am

It's possible (though not probable) that some of those characters had mods installed that placed more standing stones in the game (I'm not even sure if such mods exist, but I suppose it is a possibility). Otherwise, it's probably due to glitches/exploits, or they're just lying. Try checking their profiles in the "Bio & Info" sections to see if they reported using any mods or exploits that would allow such a situation with having more standing stones visited than exist in the default vanilla game. If they didn't mention anything there, then they can be considered to be lying.

Disclaimer: Oddly enough, I've never actually played Skyrim, so I don't know the deal on standing stones (how many there actually are in-game, if mods exist to add more, etc.). Therefore, my response might be misinformed.
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Re: question about stats

Postby HaxAras » May 10th, 2015, 5:53 am

It's not mods or exploits, I know that for sure. I have 24 in my own stats in Skyrim. I have no idea how it got so high because I'm 100% sure I haven't even found the 13 default so far. I've got screenshots on my page (Char HaxAras Royal) and I could even record video showing it. I'm also on the Xbox 360 so I can't even use mods. Maybe it's just some glitch in the games stat system because now thanks to the legendary reset system, I just copy my stats over exactly as they are.

Speaking of screenshots, I need to update mine. I did it a few days ago but they've gone up so exponentially. All I've been playing lately is Skyrim. It gets to the point I don't even know what I spend most of my time doing anymore.
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Re: question about stats

Postby Tom » May 11th, 2015, 12:32 am

HaxAras wrote:Maybe it's just some glitch in the games stat system [...]

Based on what you've said, I think this might just be the case. Since it's such a small thing, it probably hasn't even been noticed by very many or brought to Bethesda's attention (they probably wouldn't care much about fixing it at this point, anyway).
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Re: question about stats

Postby HaxAras » May 12th, 2015, 2:16 am

I actually deleted my DLC, booted up the game and saved then re-installed it to see what would happen. It reset all the DLC on me and took away my items. It still kept track of how many Dawnguard quests I've done even though I have to restart it now. I never really did Dragonborn since I lost my favorite companion Teldryn Sero to the Blades and was scares of Solstheim because I had trouble with the boss with my other char. I'm also on Legendary and was weaker then.

I also had to rebuild my houses. I only built one, the one in Falkreath but I'm OK with that. I had hundreds more Iron than I needed and I built the Master Bedroom instead of a Greenhouse.
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Re: question about stats

Postby belcrane » June 16th, 2015, 12:58 pm

What a bad experience you have there.
Anyway It might be a bug and the only way you can return it to normal is that you reset it.

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Re: question about stats

Postby ciberzombie » June 19th, 2016, 4:47 pm

"Standing Stones visited" counts how much standing stones you visited, NOT how much DIFFERENT standing stones you visited. Found this on UESP. So if you visit same standing stone 5 times it will add 5 times visited to stat
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Re: question about stats

Postby HaxAras » December 3rd, 2016, 10:09 am

ciberzombie wrote:"Standing Stones visited" counts how much standing stones you visited, NOT how much DIFFERENT standing stones you visited. Found this on UESP. So if you visit same standing stone 5 times it will add 5 times visited to stat

I actually found this out recently as well. I got the achievement on the Xbone version as I walked past the 3 standing stones at the start of the game.
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