
Revision of the Character Score System

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Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Tom » February 26th, 2009, 2:21 am

We all know that the current character Score system is somewhat unfair for rating the overall ability of a character, and many people have been asking to have it revised since Day 1. Therefore, I've created this topic to get some input from the community on how the character Score system should be revised to make it more fair. To get yourself acquainted with the character Score system, read this information page.

Any questions, comments, and input on the character Score system and on how it can be revised can be posted in this topic and is much appreciated. The sooner the character Score system gets revised, the better the leaderboards will be.

Important Edit: I have made a new post in this topic that explains how we will make our final decisions about which method of calculating character Score will be used in the revision of the score system. Please see this post for that information.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Kestral » February 26th, 2009, 3:10 am

I say cut back the points added to miscellaneous statistics such as days passed and days in jail.

Its easy to set a high value for them and effectively get a pretty 2000 points.

You can also completely and totally make some worthless.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Teinaava » February 26th, 2009, 3:11 am

I think a character's score should be based on his/her primary statistics (Health, Magicka, Fatigue, Level, Attributes, and Skills).
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Xavier » February 26th, 2009, 11:10 pm

Yeah, that could be good. We should change it to that.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Codex » March 1st, 2009, 8:22 am

If the score system was based only on the primary statistics, it would be alot of characters with similar scores, and as soon as you've maxed those you couldn't improve your score at all. To make it fair for everyone, also those who doesn't try to get to the highest level as possible, I'd make these stats count:

Primary stats

Secondary stats
    Faction Ranks
    Quests completed
    Fame and Infamy
    Creatures and People killed
    Places Found
    Oblivion Gates Shut

And maybe the three "mini games"
    Locks Picked
    Jokes Told
    Potions Made
to add some misc factors.

If the system was like this, a character who levels efficiantly with all his attributes maxed at around level 35, could outrank a level 50+ character. Which is fair, since the level 35 one could very well be a stronger build (for it's level) than the level 50 one, even though it has lower health, magica, and fatigue.

Just my two septims.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Kestral » March 2nd, 2009, 12:16 am

[show] Spoiler: Codex`s Post
Codex wrote:If the score system was based only on the primary statistics, it would be alot of characters with similar scores, and as soon as you've maxed those you couldn't improve your score at all. To make it fair for everyone, also those who doesn't try to get to the highest level as possible, I'd make these stats count:

Primary stats

Secondary stats
    Faction Ranks
    Quests completed
    Fame and Infamy
    Creatures and People killed
    Places Found
    Oblivion Gates Shut

And maybe the three "mini games"
    Locks Picked
    Jokes Told
    Potions Made
to add some misc factors.

If the system was like this, a character who levels efficiantly with all his attributes maxed at around level 35, could outrank a level 50+ character. Which is fair, since the level 35 one could very well be a stronger build (for it's level) than the level 50 one, even though it has lower health, magica, and fatigue.

Just my two septims.

After reading this I suppose we should find the highest stats possible to achieve legitimately. If they are higher than the max, than slap the character with an "Exploits used" until the character is fixed.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Xavier » March 2nd, 2009, 3:54 pm

Ah, good idea. I like it. Thanks for the suggestion.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Tom » March 16th, 2009, 12:32 am

I will be revising the character score system within the next week. Thank you to everyone who posted their useful input in this topic.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Ashk. Ashina Zelaku » April 13th, 2009, 9:09 pm

Wait for me!

It would be unfair to penalise some players who have different sorts of classes and roleplay that don't require the skills of a demi-god. You could revise it so that the overall score is based on how good the character is at their own class rather than just the maximum of everything.
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System

Postby Chriso123 » April 13th, 2009, 9:24 pm

I think the leaderboards should be pretty much based only on stats such as Health, Magicka, Fatigue, Attributes and skills since I find it silly that my character is a low ranking at around 20th compared to some dude who has lower overall stats but because he has loads of gold, is head of every faction and has picked many Nirnroots. But hey thats just my opinion, sorry if it sounds like I am being a nag but I think what I just said is true and fair.
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