
Images in Journals

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Images in Journals

Postby Alarra » January 8th, 2013, 8:09 am

Hi there, I'm trying to add an image into a journal entry, since it says that [img] is a supported tag; however, when I view the entry (here), it displays only text. Does the image have to be a specific size or something, or is this a glitch?
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Re: Images in Journals

Postby Tom » January 8th, 2013, 9:12 am

You seem to be using capital letters in the tag:

Code: Select all

The tag needs to have "img" with all lower case letters in order to parse properly.

Also, if your image is too wide to fit on the profile page and it extends past the page boundaries, you can resize the image using the img tag like so:

Code: Select all

Both width and height are in pixels, but you can just enter them as numbers without units.
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Re: Images in Journals

Postby Alarra » January 8th, 2013, 7:16 pm

Hmm, that still doesn't seem to work.

The entire entry is as follows, so you can see how I have my italic/etc tags set up, that they're closed properly and everything:
Code: Select all
Dexion Evicus read the Elder Scroll for the Dawnguard.  He warned, however, that it didn't have the whole prophecy, and so Alarra returned sheepishly to Urag gro-Shub to ask to buy the Dragon scroll back.   Sorine and Gunmar shared their worries about how serious everything's becoming, and advised Alarra to find a priest of Arkay named Florentius.  She rescued him from Ruunvald.  After this, Alarra and Serana headed to Castle Volkihar to search for Serana's mother, Valerica.  They found a hidden labratory and discovered that she had found a way into the Soul Cairn.  In order for Alarra to gain access to the Soul Cairn, it was decided that Serana would partially soul-trap her.  They entered the Cairn, and mostly just wandered around, uneasy and unsure of where to go.  They found the skull of a horse that was wandering around the Cairn and returned it to the horse's previous owner, who showed Alarra how to summon the horse.

[i]Alarra and Serana explore the tunnels of Castle Volkihar[/i]


[b]Gameplay Notes:[/b]
Leveled up to 68!  Learned a couple new spells that I purchased from Florentius and found in the Soul Cairn.

It just does this - removes the first [img] tag and makes that text italic:

It's almost as if it's recognizing the first [img] as a [i] instead.
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Re: Images in Journals

Postby Tom » January 9th, 2013, 12:54 am

Alarra wrote:It's almost as if it's recognizing the first [img] as a [i] instead.

I've just checked the code for the BBCode parser, and it turns out you were absolutely right. The [i] tag was being parsed before the [img] tag, and it was treating the [img] tag as an [i] tag simply because it began with "[i" (it assumed that the rest of the tag was actually a parameter specified for the [i] tag).

Anyway, it should now be fixed. Thanks for pointing this bug out. :)
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