
1.9 patch

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1.9 patch

Postby redguard_master » April 9th, 2013, 8:20 am

What does everyone think of new patch? I'm enjoying the ability to spam alteration via telekinesis to get myself to 81 so I can fight legendary dragons and ebony warrior. Plenty of bug fixes, I've been storing Esbern's potions for months waiting for this day. It also deleted some of my misc quest that were completed and stored in log, but not all. Same for some items quest locked in my inventory. I assume it will prevent it from happening next time through? Overall I like.
I would be a procrastinator, but I keep putting it off.
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Re: 1.9 patch

Postby Xavier » July 12th, 2013, 3:43 am

I tried out the Legendary difficulty and wasn't too big on it. I mean, I guess it's fun for people who have characters that are unstoppable, but I just kept getting one-shot killed on my mage. So now I just play on Expert. I've only ever played on Adept before all of this.

But I've never been a fan of how you can just change difficulty on the fly. I think it would be cooler if Bethesda had a set difficulty or made you choose a difficulty for your character from the start. Being able to change difficulty whenever is too much power in my eyes, as dramatic as that sounds.

Aside from all that, I like how you can make skills legendary now and keep leveling your character. Gives the game some more replay value.
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