Yeah so, I've been taking a sabbatical and I'm now back. Well, not that I ever made much impact.
Side note: Yknow, I got hit by a car once, too.
Search found 6 matches
- April 12th, 2010, 2:55 am
- Forum: The Lounge
- Topic: Welcomes and Goodbyes
- Replies: 261
- Views: 1001063
Re: Which Web Browser Do You Use?
I think maybe I'm just a Mac-fanboy that doesn't even own a Mac. 

- April 14th, 2009, 1:31 am
- Forum: The Lounge
- Topic: Which Web Browser Do You Use?
- Replies: 79
- Views: 233577
Re: What languages do you speak?
I speak no English whatsoever. I am learning to speak German feverishly. I have to if I'm going to college there, eh? Otherwise I speak maybe 50 words in French, I can count to 6 and say yes in Spanish. A few swear words in Yiddish and American Sign Language, and a few dozen words in a language I ma...
- April 14th, 2009, 1:25 am
- Forum: The Lounge
- Topic: What languages do you speak?
- Replies: 39
- Views: 177996
Re: Which Web Browser Do You Use?
Yknow, I don't remember. I used it a long time ago when it was still new-ish, and I seem to recall I liked it at the time. I think I stopped using IE for quite a while in favor, but that was years ago. I haven't used it since. Perhaps I'll download it sometime, give it a whirl. If Master Codex likes...
- April 10th, 2009, 8:00 pm
- Forum: The Lounge
- Topic: Which Web Browser Do You Use?
- Replies: 79
- Views: 233577
Re: Which Web Browser Do You Use?
I'm the one guy who voted Safari up top. I downloaded it a while back and liked it a lot. On occasion I have to switch to IE for stuff that's coded for IE only, but otherwise it's all I use. I have some sort of unfathomable eternal hatred for Firefox that I can't seem to figure out the cause of. Hon...
- April 9th, 2009, 12:30 pm
- Forum: The Lounge
- Topic: Which Web Browser Do You Use?
- Replies: 79
- Views: 233577
This is the Cactus speaking..
Well, I'm not exactly new around here, but this is my first post here, anyway. Finally got around to getting Oblivion installed on my new laptop, so I'm playing again. Posted my character yesterday. Some of you may recognize me; I originally hail from the UESP. If not, nice to meet you, and to every...
- April 9th, 2009, 12:16 pm
- Forum: The Lounge
- Topic: Welcomes and Goodbyes
- Replies: 261
- Views: 1001063
- Search found 6 matches • Page 1 of 1