
Inputting your own fraction

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Inputting your own fraction

Postby Emperor Casellas I » July 19th, 2011, 8:41 pm

I have this mod you see, it includes a fraction that dosen't show on the modify profile list. So I was wondering if the Elder Stats can have a text-box so players with mods can input there own fraction.

The fraction I trying to put is delivery.
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Re: Inputting your own fraction

Postby Tom » July 20th, 2011, 1:28 am

This would be a bit more complex to implement than letting a user input a custom Race or Birthsign for their characters, the reason being that each custom faction would have custom ranks which would all need to be inputted into a database of custom factions along with each faction's respective ranks. It's certainly doable, but I'm not sure if it's really worth doing at the current time. I'll keep it in mind for later though.
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Re: Inputting your own fraction

Postby whoman69 » July 20th, 2011, 2:54 pm

Ha, finally recognized as Count of Kvatch, Master of Hoarfrost Castle.

I see where this could be quite a headache. Some have a ton of mods involved that would stretch the scale of what could be implemented. It would also be impossible, and really a bit unfair, to add this to the points system, though in ways they do already effect that.
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