by souro » February 14th, 2010, 3:04 am
what i want is some sort of variety of spells. theres 5 spells that damage you. 1 that imobolizes you. 1 that fortifys you and so on. im pretty sure theres only 45 spell effects, and im being genorous with my estimates
i also want to see something get chopped off or blown in or something! if i hit a glass warhammer the size of a boulder on someones head i expect to see red paint all over the wall. all it does now is spazzes out and sticks there. theres not even a blood stain. just a big spurt of red blood.
i also want to see more stealth things. a warhammer isnt much of a sneak critical when it comes to sneaking while a dagger could do an instant kill. all you do is slash behind your target. or put an arrow into it. 15 arrows in something HAS to have hit his lung or heart or some internal organ!
i also wanna see a vareity of monsters. all i see in monster dungeons are wolves, boars, and lions. in undead dungeons all i see are a skelingtons, zombies, an ghosts. bandit dungeons is just a bunch of light armow npcs. so with vampires. i wanna see some bloodthirsty creativity here!
guess what happens when you pretty much save the empire. armor is nice and all but i kinda like having some control over the empire or something. we cant let ocato have all the glory can we?
i want some better conjuration. i dont want a meat shield, i want a meat canibal! miniature necromancy is my favourite for fixing this though. but still it costs too much mana to cast an atronach for 30 seconds. i hear some poeple dont even USE conjuration. they just replace it with blade or light armor.
i also wanna see more creative poisons. a poison is pretty useless. a homeade potion is only useful for cure diseases or something. and there is the same effects of magic. shouldnt poisons have a better effect than just a weak flare?!?!?
the only disease im afraid of is the vampire disease. i get a regular disease from a wolf and i shake it off. whats with these weak diseases? im thinking some should be extremly deadly if there is a disease. and i even think they should either get rid of it, or make it better cause i dont care if i got any disease other than that vampires one.
ps: i seem to be making longer posts than essays in my english class. dont tell my teacher!
every time you get a new hammer, a giant orc comes with a bigger one and hits you with it until you give up your hammer. thats why i dont have hammers.