
Short Stories, Novels, Descriptions

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Short Stories, Novels, Descriptions

Postby Helikeon » July 21st, 2009, 7:46 pm

Browsing through the other forums on the site I have seen that a couple of you have posted stories written based on either your characters or the game. The world of Oblivion makes an excellent backdrop and the game plot itself is great. I was wondering if anyone has written short stories, novels, descriptions, or even ideas on a new or separate plot line for a game. If there are others who have created their own and if they would like to share. If any are interested I will post the first chapter of my own short story centered on the Oblivion world.
* As a writer for a major game developer myself I understand the reluctance of posting on the net where official copyrights are hard to establish. The material you post will not be used for any other purpose other than to enjoy.
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Re: Short Stories, Novels, Descriptions

Postby Tom » July 23rd, 2009, 10:36 pm

If you don't mind, Helikeon, might I ask what game developer you are a writer for?
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Re: Short Stories, Novels, Descriptions

Postby Legolastom » July 23rd, 2009, 11:04 pm

How many game developers are there in Wales anyway? XD
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Re: Short Stories, Novels, Descriptions

Postby Helikeon » July 24th, 2009, 2:20 pm

I work for Ubisoft based out of France. Since I'm a writer I don't need to visit a studio in order to do my work and I send it in. And it doesn't take long to get there from here if I have to.
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