
new char problems

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new char problems

Postby altmer_monk_0 » September 15th, 2011, 10:45 pm

hi, ive been trying to make a new charecter but i cant, i have char sickness, a common sympton that happens to many experienced elder scrolls gamers, in which you try to make a new charecter, but then delete it and go back to ur old game. this ussually happenswhen u get to a very high lvl and are not used to the change in weaponry, armor, monsters, magic weapon strenght, difficulty when it comes to killing enimies, quest rewards, not having as high skills as u used to, having to do all the quests over again, having too work up ur fame so u can buy the skingrad house (or any other house), having to get as much gold as u used to hav, and finding all the locations u had. :ugeek:

anyways i just wanted to know if anyone else has expeienced this.

so plz share with us if u hav
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Re: new char problems

Postby whoman69 » September 16th, 2011, 9:15 pm

If I start a new character its usually after a long break. I went the other way. I got a new character going, went back to the old one just to check some things, and was amazed at the speed difference. There's always going to be a warming up period with any new character.
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Re: new char problems

Postby Tom » September 17th, 2011, 12:10 am

I know the feeling. It's one of the main reasons why I don't play as my character Kendelith. No matter how much I think it will be fun beforehand, it always ends up being a bit of a disappointment after being accustomed to such a powerful character in Tom, my very first Oblivion character. Still, it can be fun to start the game over again, especially after a long break like what I've experienced recently (I haven't played Oblivion in a good 5 or 6 months, I believe; I've just been too busy lately). I really am hoping to get back into the game at least one more time before Skyrim becomes the "norm", but I can't guarantee that I'll have the time in the next few months to do so (or in any point in the near future, for that matter).
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Re: new char problems

Postby Xavier » September 24th, 2011, 2:45 am

I don't really have that issue. Not trying to brag or anything, I just enjoy starting a character anew. It gives me a fresh feeling, and it's nice to focus on a single class type instead of a character who is just good at everything. I like the challenge of being a weak warrior from the beginning and working your way up to be a beast.
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Re: new char problems

Postby altmer_monk_0 » October 7th, 2011, 12:34 am

u see, the only reason i dont rlly like making a new charecter is because ive beaton the game to its fullest extent. every faction? im the leader. every quest? i can recite the steps. every item? have or at one point had it. every house? ha, dont even ask me that. every NPC? spoken to.(not all my stats are updated yet so youll have to wait)

plus, to make it even worse, im EXTREMELYpicky. if i dont like 1 little detail about him, wont play him.
ive always liked magic. always found it fun. at one point on one of my older charecters, u name it, i could do it.
and i miss that. i wasnt even a mage! i was a fracking acrobat!

i found a solution though (warning: only do incase of drastic measures are called for), i delete them.
thus forcing me to make a new one. get it?
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