
Modern Warfare 2

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Re: Modern Warfare 2

Postby The Ninja » February 20th, 2010, 8:17 pm

Xavier wrote:I've been really liking this class I have right now:

Primary: UMP (Silenced)

Good Choice...

Xavier wrote:Secondary: M93 Raffica (Red Dot - the only attachment I have for it so far)

WHA!!?!?? 3 round burst = .... you know.

Xavier wrote:Perk 3: Ninja Pro

I love-zorz that perk.

Xavier wrote:I used to have Marathon, Cold-Blooded, and Ninja Pro, but it wasn't as good as the above class. The M93 Raffica is awesome though, and I hear that the Akimbo of it is better.

Better as in more cheap. Akimbo is cheap already, but combine 3 round burst weapons or shotty with it?.... I have never done it.. Actually, only once because I was on a 14 kill streak and hadd no more ammo, so I picked up akimbo 1887s (SO CHEAP!) and survived until a 21 killstreak.
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Re: Modern Warfare 2

Postby Xavier » February 21st, 2010, 3:28 am

Yeah, I hate those stupid Akimbo Models and Rangers. They are cheap, and they aren't even modern. The Akimbo Rafficas are okay, I think I might like the single one more. I know it's a three round burst, but I thought maybe I could have some slack since it's a pistol? :D I also hate the grenade launcher attachment, it shouldn't even be in the game.

And you know what's a really useless perk? Scrambler. It actually works against the person that has it because you will know if they are close. Last Stand is also terrible.
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Re: Modern Warfare 2

Postby The Ninja » February 21st, 2010, 5:36 am

Scrambler pro is good against Claymore users.
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Re: Modern Warfare 2

Postby josjie » February 21st, 2010, 9:03 pm

Sithis wrote:Lol @ 3 round burst=noob

I'm getting the game today in like 4 hours (along with a messenger kit).

My friend told me about one of the easiest tactics on the game...and since he's a camper, he probably knows what he's talking about.

He goes on any map with bushes and he plays hardcore.

Weapon:FAL and some secondary something
Perks: Ninja Pro, Cold-Blooded Pro, Bling Pro
Equip: I think it's a silencer and an accog scope.

But yeah he just sits in the bushes and offs people with a single shot...and without killcam, he's a tough cookie.

Yeah but he's also a coward. I hate all those campers.

Here's my class:

Primary Weapon: MP5k (Akimbo, Urban camo :P)
Secondary: Pistol (I never use it)
Perk 1: Scavenger Pro
Perk 2: Stopping Power (I want Cold-Blooded Pro!)
Perk 3: Commando Pro (I want Scrambler Pro!)
Equipment: Frag, Smoke
Level: 19 :oops: (3 hours playing time)
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Re: Modern Warfare 2

Postby The Ninja » February 21st, 2010, 10:39 pm

In real life, I would be the one that no one can see, but am killing everyone. My classes are many, but here are some favorites:


Primary Weapon: M4 with Acog, or RDS
Secondary: Stinger Missile
Perk 1: One Man Army/Scavenger/Sleight of Hand Pro
Perk 2: Lightweight/Stopping Power/Hardline Pro
Perk 3: Commando/Steady Aim Pro
Equipment: Semtex, smoke/flashbangs
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Re: Modern Warfare 2

Postby The Ninja » July 27th, 2011, 11:52 pm

Wow...... My playing has changed so much, that as I reread my previous posts, I called myself a noob. XD

For anyone who cares, I go with these two primary classes now:

M4 with RDS and FMJ for assault, or Silencer for stealth (depends)
USP .45 with silencer and FMJ
Frag for assault, or Claymore for holding a position or side of the map.
Smoke grenade.
Bling Pro, Cold-Blooded Pro, Ninja Pro. The best advantage is being unseen and having the surprise on your side.

M21 with Silencer and FMJ.
USP .45 with silencer and FMJ.
Claymore. Gotta watch my back when scoped.
Bling Pro, Cold-Blooded Pro, and Ninja Pro.

Anyway, my original objective here was telling everyone that it's such a good game, and I'm still playing it. Hardcore, and hardcore only. Camping is not a noobish or cowardly tactic unless used incorectly. I prefer to call it "patrolling." Sticking to a general area and moving every so often to cover the surrounding area. Besides, if it were reality, I don't think anyone would be running out into the open with a submachinegun. I think everyone'd be hiding and watching the door, not wanting to get shot.

Also, I wanted to discuss Modern Warfare 3, but I'll just open another topic... Brb.
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