
Modern Warfare 3

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Modern Warfare 3

Postby The Ninja » July 28th, 2011, 12:18 am

Honestly, it could be anything. Good, bad, surprising, disappointing, etc. I know that after Modern Warfare 2, Activision (Bobby [word censored], notice last name and how fitting it is.) withheld IW's dues, and so IW said "Screw you, Activision. You don't appreciate our hard work, we'll lend our talent and love for games elsewhere." And they all split up. Some went to Bioware, some went to EA, and to other gaming companies. (Maybe that's why Mass Effect 3 and Battlefield 3 look really great? :P)

So, after that, since Activision OWNS the title "Infinity Ward," they just repopulated the 'title' with more of their employees, most likely from the Treyarch community. :/ So, it has potential to be new blood and be great, or the same old crap as in World at War and Black Ops. -_____- If it's like either of those, forget it. I won't be getting it. Along with the cons of having unknown developers, it seems to have the same engine and graphics as in MW2. See for yourself in the gameplay below.

However, it looks kinda cool in the sense that in the urban firefight gameplay, that AR-15 is almost exactly like mine, with EOTech and 3x flip-side-mount magnifier. I found that appealing. Just skip to :30. Fre discipline needed. That player is firing at least 3 more rounds than required on each target.... Keep an eye for out "9-bangs." Me likey.

Also, one of the main character's (COD has a reputation to have more than one per game) name is the same first name s mine, in the submarine assault gameplay. Same spelling and everything. Not sure you can hear a sonar ping in reality like it sounds as the vessel passes. There's a tiny bit of delay from visual to sound during the middle part of the video. It catches up, don't worry. Also, the new look to the AA-12 is... Interesting. :/ I guess the main weapon used throughout is a "modern" version of the MP5.
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Re: Modern Warfare 3

Postby Xavier » August 23rd, 2011, 7:59 am

I can't wait for this game. I know this game might receive some hate for being overrated/overhyped and having a community that is comprised of d-bags and whiny little kids, but the actual gameplay of it is great. Can't wait until they start revealing some of the multiplayer aspects of the game.

I really hope Last Stand doesn't make a return. That perk is absolute garb. Seriously.

Another thing I'm hoping for is custom camos. I wanna make a green tiger camo. And hopefully you will have to make headshots to earn camos again...that was the whole fun of the camos, in my opinion.

To be honest, I'm not sure about the whole COD points thing making a return. I mean, it's alright, but it's definitely not good for buying any camos you want right when you get a gun. I liked earning my attachments too. But seriously they better not do that 40 penetration shots thing again to get Extended Mags, that was lame.

Anyway, yeah. I hope they make the perks good, and set up the perk tiers good too. It was kind of sloppy in MW2 in my opinion. Black Ops did it good, the problem with them is that some of pro perks were too hard to get, and some of the pro perk abilities weren't good. Oh yeah, Tactical Mask is nothing without the pro ability.

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Re: Modern Warfare 3

Postby The Ninja » August 23rd, 2011, 9:07 am

I have to disagree on the FMJ kills. That was a very satisfying earning of extended magazines. I don't like the point system much at all. Like you said. Earning everything by unlocking it slowly was great. If "Infinity Ward" is making it, it shouldn't be much like the Treyarch games. (If it is, screw you Activision.)

I am at least a tad excited as well.....


This, Battlefield 3, and Skyrim will take up YEARS of my gaming time. I won't havem uch of it this next year. College classes + last year of high-school, which is packed with little requiremnts like a research paper, getting drivers documentation of all sorts, etc. Then a job and a good system of income/outgo.... yeah, these coming times are going to be a bit rocky.
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Re: Modern Warfare 3

Postby Xavier » August 23rd, 2011, 8:19 pm

Haha, yeah. Modern Warfare 3, Skyrim, and Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City are gonna take over my life. Lol.

Such awesome games coming out.
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Re: Modern Warfare 3

Postby The Ninja » September 3rd, 2011, 10:49 am

32 players?!?! ULTIMATE CHAOS!!!!
http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/7 ... ole-games/

"Village" map gameplay:

MW3 gameplay trailer!

Review of the five maps shown in the gameplay trailer. ^
http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/7 ... lage-maps/

More gameplay mechanics:
http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/7 ... -and-more/

Class customization styles, Assault, Support, and Specialist.
http://www.xboxdailynews.com/2011/09/02 ... warfare-3/

That's all the info I have on MW3 at the moment. Eat up, there'll be more tomorrow! (Or soon thereafter.)
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Re: Modern Warfare 3

Postby The Ninja » September 3rd, 2011, 8:55 pm

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Re: Modern Warfare 3

Postby The Ninja » September 4th, 2011, 1:27 am

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Re: Modern Warfare 3

Postby The Ninja » September 4th, 2011, 5:08 am

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Re: Modern Warfare 3

Postby The Ninja » September 4th, 2011, 8:47 am

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Re: Modern Warfare 3

Postby The Ninja » September 4th, 2011, 10:01 pm

A short for the skeptics...
Before the two-minute mark, how did the enemy SURVIVE the explosion and have to be shot? And how do RPGs even get CLOSE to the AC-130? They're "dumb rockets," so flares wouldn't do crap.
And lastly, how the heck is Shepard alive?!!

That's one messed up time-line.....
http://www.g4tv.com/videos/55102/cod-mo ... hort-film/
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