
I Hate Valve

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I Hate Valve

Postby Kestral » April 27th, 2009, 2:11 am

On Friday I spent about 5 hours getting my brother's copy of Left 4 Dead to play on my computer. This only furthered my deep seeded hate for Valve's anti-piracy techniques and that blasted Steam. Honestly, if the game is legally bought why should they game only be available for use on one computer. If someone steals your game, tell Valve to ban the CD-Key used and provide another and re-register the new one. But no, Valve has to go so far that they infuriate people with their anti-piracy techniques. I can't play any game in the Orange Box or Left 4 Dead, that's absolutely ridiculous. I mean even Maxis with Spore had enough brains to allow 5 computers use the same CD-Key. I'm not saying Valve can't make a good game, I'm saying that Valve can't protect their games properly because they go to the extreme.

It's ridiculous. You can play the same copy of Left 4 Dead on several consoles for the console version, but only one PC for the PC version. I hate Valve all because of the above. It's ridiculous. It's unnecessary. And it's sure as hell frustrating.
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Re: I Hate Valve

Postby Tom » April 27th, 2009, 2:44 am

I agree with you. However, I believe that you can login to the same Steam account on multiple computers, therefore allowing access to the games on that account on multiple computers. However, that isn't very useful because two people cannot play the same game online on the same account at once. It's a tough system that Steam has established. I am also a little disappointed that some games that are available on Steam cannot be added to your Steam account if you buy them via retail. Steam needs to be revised a bit, and I think that Valve should seek the advice of the community for once.
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Re: I Hate Valve

Postby Kestral » April 28th, 2009, 11:44 pm

You also cannot play games offline. (Well, Left 4 Dead at least)
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Re: I Hate Valve

Postby Xavier » May 3rd, 2009, 6:41 pm

Eh, I still love Valve. They make really good games.
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Re: I Hate Valve

Postby Legolastom » May 22nd, 2009, 3:47 am

Tom wrote:I agree with you. However, I believe that you can login to the same Steam account on multiple computers, therefore allowing access to the games on that account on multiple computers. However, that isn't very useful because two people cannot play the same game online on the same account at once.

Isn't that the whole point?

Also the fact we get to play amazing games such as HL, TF2 and Portal is why I love Valve.
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Re: I Hate Valve

Postby Tom » May 22nd, 2009, 6:48 am

I think the proper thing to say is "I hate Steam," but not "I hate Valve." ;)
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Re: I Hate Valve

Postby Xavier » May 22nd, 2009, 9:25 pm

Tom wrote:I think the proper thing to say is "I hate Steam," but not "I hate Valve." ;)

Yeah, that's true.
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Re: I Hate Valve

Postby Kestral » May 23rd, 2009, 7:05 pm

Valve made Steam.


Fine, I hate Steam.
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Re: I Hate Valve

Postby Tom » May 25th, 2009, 2:21 am

Kestral wrote:Valve made Steam.

Yes, they did, but Valve has done many great things. It's their one creation named Steam that continues to disrupt the harmony of gamers everywhere. :)
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Re: I Hate Valve

Postby Xavier » May 25th, 2009, 11:15 pm

Actually, what you said before, Kestral, about not being able to play the same game on one account on a different computer is wrong. Tom mentioned this eariler, but as long as the other person isn't currently on the account you can play the steam games on any computer. Also, you can both play a single player game at the same time on the same account on two separate computers.
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