
I Love Valve

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Will Left 4 Dead 2 be good?

Left 4 Dead 2 was announced? Holy crap!
Total votes : 3

I Love Valve

Postby Taylor » June 2nd, 2009, 12:07 pm

Left 4 Dead 2 <3

For those not aware, Valve announced Left 4 Dead 2 yesterday. The game is set to be released on November 17 I believe. There will be four new characters, and a variety of melee weapons. Surprisingly, Valve fans are extremely pissed about this latest announcement. Some say that Valve has turned into the new EA and will do anything for money. Some fans are trying to boycott this game. Honestly, they all sound like hypocrites because they will all buy the game come November. For the game just being announced yesterday, it is already receiving a lot of slack. I know the game will be good. Valve is making it.
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Re: I Love Valve

Postby Tom » June 2nd, 2009, 3:49 pm

I just watched the trailer now. I've been busy with some work I've had to do, so I missed this news. A bit odd, though, that the survivors are mostly black - not that there's anything wrong with that, but I suppose it takes place in some southern city or something (assuming that it takes place in the United States). I also like the new mutated version of the Tank that I saw in the video. Very scary and interesting design. One question I have is this: Is the zombie infection a problem all around the world, or just in the United States? By seeing that Left 4 Dead 2 takes place in another American city than Left 4 Dead 1 did, it shows that the zombie infection is a country-wide problem, but what about the rest of the world? It's an interesting question.

It will be different, but I'm looking forward to this release. It will be tough to get acclimated to new characters after playing as Bill, Francis, Louis, and Zoey for so long, but it will still be interesting.
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Re: I Love Valve

Postby Xavier » June 2nd, 2009, 7:59 pm

Yes, I was going to post this last night, but it was much longer since I give opinions and tell about everything that's going to be in the game, so I couldn't post it in time. Here is the topic I made.

Also, who voted "No" for the option in the poll?

And for Tom's question, I think the Infection is the entire United States right now, and is spreading throughout the world as you play.
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