
[ReadMe] About this Subforum

Post all questions, comments, suggestions, and bug reports for the ES Save Updater app in here.

[ReadMe] About this Subforum

Postby Tom » October 1st, 2016, 5:09 am

This subforum has been created to discuss the ES Save Updater, a Windows desktop app for automatically updating character profiles on The Elder Stats. In this subforum, you may post questions, comments, suggestions/feature requests, and bug reports regarding this app.

Questions and General Feedback
We strongly encourage you to post any questions or feedback you have regarding the app in this subforum. There's no stupid question or suggestion — we want to hear them all! The more feedback you share with us, the better the app will become in future releases.

Bug Reports
If you are posting a bug report, please be detailed in your explanation of what the bug is, what you did to make it occur, and where in the app it occurred. The more detail you provide in bug reports, the easier it is to quickly find and fix the issue.

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