
Support for the Elder Scrolls Online

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Support for the Elder Scrolls Online

Postby icaro1914 » April 4th, 2014, 9:05 pm

I was just wondering if there is any chance that you would be interested in adding support for Elder Scrolls Online characters? Although I realize that it isn't a single player TES game, I think the format on this website, and the cute Stat Cards, would be a great way to share characters and different character builds for the game. ESO just launched today and I really like it so far. :)
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Re: Support for the Elder Scrolls Online

Postby Tom » April 5th, 2014, 8:22 pm


Thanks for the message! I suppose we've always considered that, since the Elder Scrolls Online is an internet-based game, they would create their own stat system similar to The Elder Stats that would simply tap into the character data that is already online, allowing them to create a much richer character profile experience with all of this data. I suppose time will tell if they ever do build such a service, but for the time being, we haven't really looked into it. It's a good idea, though, and if Bethesda doesn't build such a service soon, it's something that would probably be popular if we built it.
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Re: Support for the Elder Scrolls Online

Postby HaxAras » April 26th, 2015, 5:12 am

Did Bethesda ever get around to this? If it's as popular as you think it will be, it might bring the return you were looking for. I think that's how you put it in the Morrowind support thread. I intend to get TES: Online for consoles eventually. Being able to store all my ES chars here would be awesome.
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