Revision of the Character Score System
Re: Revision of the Character Score System
The new character Score formula has now been implemented, and all current character Scores have been recalculated using this new formula. The numbers look much more solid and fair than the previous system. Still, please take a look around at some of the Scores and post your input/opinions. Thanks.
Tom - Founder
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System
On turning PC to Xbox:
"Transferring PC game saves to the Xbox 360 has not been attempted, but probably is not possible: it would require creating an Xbox 360 container file, which is only possible if you know the the encryption method and private key used to generate the hashed security certificates."
On Xbox to PC:
"It should be noted that Microsoft has begun a process of banning save files shared on the internet by blacklisting specific console IDs that have been seen uploading their save game files."
Therefore it may or may not be illegal. It appears you have to know the encryption for the former (which is illegal).
Therefore, this may be illegal, but "Use at your own risk."
Nice work Tom. I'll be sure to take a look.
"Transferring PC game saves to the Xbox 360 has not been attempted, but probably is not possible: it would require creating an Xbox 360 container file, which is only possible if you know the the encryption method and private key used to generate the hashed security certificates."
On Xbox to PC:
"It should be noted that Microsoft has begun a process of banning save files shared on the internet by blacklisting specific console IDs that have been seen uploading their save game files."
Therefore it may or may not be illegal. It appears you have to know the encryption for the former (which is illegal).
Therefore, this may be illegal, but "Use at your own risk."
Nice work Tom. I'll be sure to take a look.
I come from the BGS forum. I'm a writer.
UNITED BRETONY: The Hills and the Highlands
-a part of the "TESUS" universe. Website coming soon.
UNITED BRETONY: The Hills and the Highlands
-a part of the "TESUS" universe. Website coming soon.
Grayfox - Protector
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System
Generally when you put something in that connotation, 'use at your own risk,' is an illegal thing. Also when Microsoft bans your account.
Kestral - Brawler
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System
Tom wrote:The new character Score formula has now been implemented, and all current character Scores have been recalculated using this new formula. The numbers look much more solid and fair than the previous system. Still, please take a look around at some of the Scores and post your input/opinions. Thanks.
Looks pretty good!
There's no news update though

josjie - Beggar
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System
josjie wrote:There's no news update though
That's because this is a "trial run" of the new Score system. I want to give people the opportunity to express any concerns they may have about the newly-revised system before I cement it into the system and post an announcement about it. However, it seems as though everyone is quite satisfied with this new system.
Tom - Founder
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System
I find it much more balanced. Good job!
Certified TESIV:O Sage- Yeah...I know so much about the game, I could teach a college course on it.
Need build help, critique on your character, or design methods? Contact me. I am the one responsible for the Nexus Project and the Super_Soldier Method.
Need build help, critique on your character, or design methods? Contact me. I am the one responsible for the Nexus Project and the Super_Soldier Method.
Sithis - Beggar
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System
I guess it's a bit late to add but maybe place a cap on how much percentage of a total person's score can come from any single stat if there isn't one? So some can't have a massive score from just like stealing everything in cyrodil or making a mountain of potions or whatever. I suppose it's a bit of an old one probably but there does seem to be some suspect stats. Like how can you have 1k fatigue with no exploits or like wearing a solid set of fatigue boosting armor while writing those stats? But I guess aside from a possibly invasive screening process or resource consuming in-site engine to monitor stats it might be hard to do that.
I would be a procrastinator, but I keep putting it off.
redguard_master - Protector
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Re: Revision of the Character Score System
Hi Everybody!
It´s good to see some good people chatting about the Oghma Infinium ...´´Glitch.´´
You see.. I made some good reflections about the Oghma Infinium, applied in Real Life.
Hermaneous Mora and Oghma Infinium made my character Really interesting and make a story SO AWESOME I´ve never dreamt before to have. AND I´ll tell all of you. It did not make Skyrim an easier game, if played on Legendary Mode. I actually had LOTS of problems, even with everything at 100( I actually stopped at 100. I did not want to see my character as an too illegite or too over 9000, as some people like to do. I kept in 100, so that she wouldn´t go crazy about EVERYTHING. Afterall, in real life, we cannot expect to learn EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE, because of our limited timeline and because of it´s infinity.. I made several changes of my habilities so that I could make the perfect character. And, because of that, made some improvements I never thought to be possible, like making awesome armors as response to the new dynamic of the game. I also started the game with Taärj so that she could really exploit all habilities with no breaks, since( I figured) she IS the Dragonborn.
Anyway. My reflections were these: When I get a book on the library, I read it and then take it with me. After I´m home, I actually look at the book but no reading and then keep the book where I can see. Later on I read it again and then I have to turn it back to the library, or else I´ll get fined.
So, Oghma Infinium was the first ´´glitch ´´ or ´´cheat´´, if you wanna call, it i´ve seen that looks so real to .. REAL LIFE. AND, if I go too far, with thirst to read the book, it disappears, since, in real life, you cannot think that you are able to read all the contents and expect that you know everything on the book after reading it all. The book CAN actually tell you that, indirectly. At least for me, I interpreted that way, since it´s a book from the game, no MODs.
You see, the book of knowledge is reaally interesting. Makes me thing about how to learn things in real life in a sustainable way, so that I can learn everything I need from the scope of my real life. Right?
I agree that there should be that star for exploit characters. But, I would like to have my character rated, of course. Not that I need it.. But I really feel she was REALLY Legit, since the book of knowledge is from the game and, if you are smart to learn the book of knowledge, you can really make your Skyrim Character a really awesome character.
Anyway.. Just reflections from 500 hous of gameplay (Taärj)+ 193 from Rubão ( I used Oghma Infinium at him after... 120 hours of gameplay. Damn! Hahahah that is why I made Taärj, later. I could not help it.
Thanks for reading this! Good to see the community online and see other player´s characters! AWESOME WEBSITE! THANK YOU!
It´s good to see some good people chatting about the Oghma Infinium ...´´Glitch.´´
You see.. I made some good reflections about the Oghma Infinium, applied in Real Life.
Hermaneous Mora and Oghma Infinium made my character Really interesting and make a story SO AWESOME I´ve never dreamt before to have. AND I´ll tell all of you. It did not make Skyrim an easier game, if played on Legendary Mode. I actually had LOTS of problems, even with everything at 100( I actually stopped at 100. I did not want to see my character as an too illegite or too over 9000, as some people like to do. I kept in 100, so that she wouldn´t go crazy about EVERYTHING. Afterall, in real life, we cannot expect to learn EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE, because of our limited timeline and because of it´s infinity.. I made several changes of my habilities so that I could make the perfect character. And, because of that, made some improvements I never thought to be possible, like making awesome armors as response to the new dynamic of the game. I also started the game with Taärj so that she could really exploit all habilities with no breaks, since( I figured) she IS the Dragonborn.
Anyway. My reflections were these: When I get a book on the library, I read it and then take it with me. After I´m home, I actually look at the book but no reading and then keep the book where I can see. Later on I read it again and then I have to turn it back to the library, or else I´ll get fined.
So, Oghma Infinium was the first ´´glitch ´´ or ´´cheat´´, if you wanna call, it i´ve seen that looks so real to .. REAL LIFE. AND, if I go too far, with thirst to read the book, it disappears, since, in real life, you cannot think that you are able to read all the contents and expect that you know everything on the book after reading it all. The book CAN actually tell you that, indirectly. At least for me, I interpreted that way, since it´s a book from the game, no MODs.
You see, the book of knowledge is reaally interesting. Makes me thing about how to learn things in real life in a sustainable way, so that I can learn everything I need from the scope of my real life. Right?
I agree that there should be that star for exploit characters. But, I would like to have my character rated, of course. Not that I need it.. But I really feel she was REALLY Legit, since the book of knowledge is from the game and, if you are smart to learn the book of knowledge, you can really make your Skyrim Character a really awesome character.
Anyway.. Just reflections from 500 hous of gameplay (Taärj)+ 193 from Rubão ( I used Oghma Infinium at him after... 120 hours of gameplay. Damn! Hahahah that is why I made Taärj, later. I could not help it.
Thanks for reading this! Good to see the community online and see other player´s characters! AWESOME WEBSITE! THANK YOU!
Taärj - Mudcrab
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