
The Perfect Pancake

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The Perfect Pancake

Postby Kestral » February 27th, 2009, 3:31 am

According to Science, the perfect pancake follows this formula:

Where L is the number of lumps in the batter.
Where C is the consistency .
Where F is the flipping score.
Where k is the ideal consistency.
Where T is the temperature of the pan.
Where S is the length of time the batter sits before cooked.
Where E is the length of time the pancake stands before eaten.
Ideal temperature of pan is represented by m.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink ... tists.html

Wondrous thing Science is eh? Invading our kitchens and making it better!
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Re: The Perfect Pancake

Postby iron spartan101 » February 27th, 2009, 8:38 am

and then you cover it in golden syrup, sugar and lemon sauce
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Re: The Perfect Pancake

Postby Tom » February 27th, 2009, 9:26 pm

Frank Barone wrote:The stomach knows not ugly.

That's a quote by Frank Barone from the popular TV comedy series Everybody Loves Raymond. Frank was talking about pancakes when he said that. :D Anyway, I agree with Frank's belief - it doesn't need to look perfect, it just needs to taste very good.
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