
Long time no see.

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Long time no see.

Postby Orion The Free » July 30th, 2009, 4:15 am

Hey guys, I was gone for a long time. Doubt that all on you remember me or for that fact even know me. Regardless, I have come to tell you that I will most likely not be on here very often due to my recent extreme intrest in the Fallout series. Due to this, I have joined a small Fallout RP forum. I have come back to tell you that, if you so choose, you may come and join me there. This is the URl (http://z3.invisionfree.com/The_wastes/index.php?act=idx). No if you don't want to join because you don't like the Fallout series, then don't. However, if you don't want to join b/c you don't know anything about the Fallout series or have only played maybe one of the games, then don't worry. We have some people who have never played any of the games ever. Now thank you for your attention, and you for some reason where to call this Spam, then know that it was not my intention to do so.

Once again, thank you.
Orion The Free
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Orion The Free
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Re: Long time no see.

Postby The Edgy Redguard » August 15th, 2009, 4:17 am

Nice to see you back. I believe you should've posted this in the Welcomes and Goodbyes topic.
Stephen Hawking: I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.
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The Edgy Redguard
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