
Looking at the stats...

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Looking at the stats...

Postby Dazzleman » April 24th, 2009, 6:44 pm

I'm newer than new here so I appologize in advance if this has already been covered. I created a character profile a few days ago and have been trying to make sense of all the data and sorting and all that and I wanted to throw this out to see if it makes sense to maybe put in place.

There are many different variations of races, classes and birth signs and the differences of what category each are strong at. I was thinking it might be nice to see how a person ranks with other chacters of the same race birthsign or class. And maybe even a combination of each.

Not sure is that makes sense, but my character is a Bosmer, birthsign is a Thief and class is an Archer. I was thinking it might be nice to see how I compare against ofther Archers, or Thieves for that matter. Again, not sure if this makse sene to implement or if it's already there I have not found it yet. So any thoughts on this would be great.

I've played Fallout3 for a while, and just recently started playing Oblivian and I have to say I'm hooked :D

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Re: Looking at the stats...

Postby Tom » April 24th, 2009, 8:28 pm

Hello, Dazzleman.

It seems to me that you'd like to see some sort of leaderboard that allows you to view where your characters rank in various statistics with other characters of the same race, birthsign, or class as you. If I'm right, then what you're suggesting is partly already created. The Elder Stats has a leaderboard located here that allows you to sort all of the characters on The Elder Stats by almost every statistic. However, the leaderboards do not currently have a way of filtering out certain characters and only showing characters that are of a certain race, birthsign, etc. If this is what you're talking about, then this is a good suggestion. Let me know if I'm understanding you correctly. ;)
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Re: Looking at the stats...

Postby Dazzleman » April 24th, 2009, 8:35 pm


You're absolutely correct, I saw where I can sort by a ton of stats which is great. But I think it might be useful to see where you compare against other characters of the same race, etc.... Because I'm thinking that if I know that I have one stat that that really only applies to Thiefs, I'd like to see where I rank against other thiefs for example.

So maybe add in a filter of sorts to compliment the sorting that's in place???

Thanks for yor time.

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Re: Looking at the stats...

Postby Tom » April 24th, 2009, 8:37 pm

Dazzleman wrote:So maybe add in a filter of sorts to compliment the sorting that's in place???

Yes, that is a good suggestion. Thank you, and I'll be sure to place this on my to-do list for The Elder Stats.
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