Best way to accumulate Gold
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Re: Best way to accumulate Gold
so is this gold you're talking about that each merchant has the max gold they will give you at one time, or forever. Still pretty new to the game and trying to figure things out.
Dazzleman - Beggar
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Re: Best way to accumulate Gold
Dazzleman wrote:so is this gold you're talking about that each merchant has the max gold they will give you at one time, or forever. Still pretty new to the game and trying to figure things out.
The maximum amount of gold a merchant has is the maximum amount of gold they will give you in one transaction. This doesn't mean that they run out and you have to wait for it to replenish, though. This means that when you click on an item/s to sell, this is the most you'll get. For example, if you have three potions, each worth 500 gold, and you try to sell all three of them (1500 gold) to a merchant with 1000 gold all at once, you'll get a message saying the merchant doesn't have enough gold. So, choose to only sell 2, by moving the slider, then sell them. You'll sell the 2 for 1000 gold. Then sell the one remaining for 500. So, it just keeps you from being able to sell a lot of items at once, or get a lot of gold for one item.
Teinaava - Past Contributor
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Re: Best way to accumulate Gold
Become an alchemist. Get the Alembic, Portar and pestle, retort and I forgot the last item. go to any mages guild and by ingredients for 1 gold to 9 gold pieces. you will save money that way. or you can just go to any farm and collect corn and stuff, I guess. Brew some potions, Sell it for 20 to 30 gold. Become a master alchemist, go to the shivering Isles. Become the Duke of Mania. Then if you have an invisibility or chameleon spell. sneak back into the greenmote silo. make sure you can hold alot of stuff. steal as much greenmote as possible. brew them into some potions. and sell it.
- kakejero
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Re: Best way to accumulate Gold
kakejero wrote:Become an alchemist. Get the Alembic, Portar and pestle, retort and I forgot the last item. go to any mages guild and by ingredients for 1 gold to 9 gold pieces. you will save money that way. or you can just go to any farm and collect corn and stuff, I guess. Brew some potions, Sell it for 20 to 30 gold. Become a master alchemist, go to the shivering Isles. Become the Duke of Mania. Then if you have an invisibility or chameleon spell. sneak back into the greenmote silo. make sure you can hold alot of stuff. steal as much greenmote as possible. brew them into some potions. and sell it.
That is what I do. When carrying a ljot of ingredients around and I am over encumbered, I just take a watermelon and a corn or something and throw together a potion. They are worth more gold that they are as ingredients, and it cuts down on the weight. Great technique. If you make your first potion in the game with VERY light ingredients, then the rest should be lighter. It calculates the first potion's weight with the rest of your potions in the game, like a ratio.
The Ninja - Squire
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Re: Best way to accumulate Gold
and greenmote only weighs 0.5, So if you have 100 weight left, You can carry around 200.
- kakejero
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Re: Best way to accumulate Gold
im not sure this is the best way but i usally raid a bandit dungeon. the bandits have a chance of an enchanted weapon which will give you 100-200. the bandit ringleaders sometimes have 1-5 items enchanted which leads to a good 200-1000. the boss chests seem small to me after all that loot. i have a mage thats 16 and hes pretty darn loaded and he only started bandit raiding for a few days.
every time you get a new hammer, a giant orc comes with a bigger one and hits you with it until you give up your hammer. thats why i dont have hammers.
- souro
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Re: Best way to accumulate Gold
Bandits do have a lot of valuable items, but I also found that by raiding Marauder forts you tend to encounter much more heavy armor and weapons, which in turn sells for a lot more gold. It also depends on what level your character is, because the value of some items rises as your character's level increases. Some of the Marauder forts I commonly raid for items to sell are Fort Alessia and Fort Wooden Hand.
Tom - Founder
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Re: Best way to accumulate Gold
Battlehorn castle adds a merchant at the merchant inn who is only an apprentice merchant with a max of 2000 gold. Plus he has longer hours then most merchants. The wizard's tower has a similar merchant added but you have to break in to the mystic emporium every time which sometimes gets the guards involved. Plus its a hard level lock which means you have to be pretty advanced to open it with magic so the guards don't get involved. Its strange, you'll find that old retired mages guild guy outside each day waiting to get in but he can't.
- whoman69
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Re: Best way to accumulate Gold
My best strategy is going to Rockmilk Cave. wait in the darkness until one whole side is dead. Then go in for the kill; rinse and repeat.
Or, if you become Archmage, you could always put an expensive ingredient in the magical chest, then sell it on. I prefer using it for Alchemy.
By about your level I have so much gold I don't know what to do with it.
Or, if you become Archmage, you could always put an expensive ingredient in the magical chest, then sell it on. I prefer using it for Alchemy.

By about your level I have so much gold I don't know what to do with it.
Welcome, to Oblivion
TheOneFallen - Mudcrab
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