
stats update wrong

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stats update wrong

Postby ciberzombie » January 13th, 2017, 2:31 am

sneak attacks and armor improved values go wrong when updater "updates" them
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Re: stats update wrong

Postby ciberzombie » January 13th, 2017, 2:33 am

btw i am on win 8.1 steam skyrim with hearthfire no mods
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Re: stats update wrong

Postby Tom » January 20th, 2017, 4:02 am


Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am aware that sometimes, for a reason I do not yet fully understand, the stats that get pulled from the save files by the Save Updater program are incorrect. I've tried troubleshooting this before, but it looks like it will require a lot more effort to diagnose and fix. Since the adoption rate of the Save Updater is so low, I do not think I will be addressing this bug anytime soon. Perhaps if more people use the program in the future, I will look into it sooner.

Unfortunately, in the meantime, you will need to manually edit your character's profile and fix the incorrect stats. The Save Updater gets most stats correctly, so you should only need to update a few of them.

Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: stats update wrong

Postby ciberzombie » April 26th, 2017, 6:31 pm

also level is wrong i am now level 225 and getting 69 level and some other stats wrong if updated with program so i now just manually update everything
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