
Coming Soon: Upload a save file to autofill profile stats!

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Coming Soon: Upload a save file to autofill profile stats!

Postby Tom » March 8th, 2016, 2:17 am

It's been quite a while since our last update, but I am very excited to announce that a new feature will be coming to The Elder Stats in the very near future. This feature has been widely requested over the seven years since this website was launched, but now, it's finally coming.

No more manually updating profiles — upload a save file and we'll do it for you!

In the next few months, we will be launching an update to the site that will allow you to update any of your characters' profiles by simply uploading the character's save file. Our system will take care of reading the numeric stats from the file and updating the proper fields in the profile automatically. Gone are the tedious days of manually updating each stat by hand!

Initially, this feature will only be available for Skyrim characters, but we hope to extend support to Oblivion characters, as well, soon after the feature launches. We'll have more information on this new feature in the coming weeks, but please feel free to post any suggestions or comments that you may have, and we'll be sure to consider them!
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Re: Coming Soon: Upload a save file to autofill profile stats!

Postby Emmett » March 23rd, 2016, 4:23 pm

Woohoo!! This is going to be an awesome feature; I can't wait :lol:
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Re: Coming Soon: Upload a save file to autofill profile stats!

Postby LoardVader » June 16th, 2016, 5:26 pm

Is this stillgoing to happen? and will there be a site for fallout players as well?
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Re: Coming Soon: Upload a save file to autofill profile stats!

Postby Tom » June 30th, 2016, 3:46 am

This is still going to happen, probably sometime this summer. Extracting the data from the save file is a bit complicated and I haven't had time to look into it recently, but my goal is to get at least a basic version of this feature launched this summer!

As for a Fallout version of this website, that's not likely to become a reality. It definitely would be cool, but it would take a lot of work and there's no guarantee that people would really use it, so it's not something I'm willing to commit to at this time.
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Re: Coming Soon: Upload a save file to autofill profile stats!

Postby Tom » August 8th, 2016, 4:54 am

An update on this feature: I'm currently developing a Windows desktop application that can be downloaded and run in the background. It will monitor save files in the directories you choose, and update your characters on this website with the latest save file data when you create a new save. Development is coming along nicely, and I'm hoping to have a beta version of this Windows app available sometime in August. Stay tuned for progress updates! :)
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Re: Coming Soon: Upload a save file to autofill profile stats!

Postby Tom » August 30th, 2016, 2:06 am

Back with another update! Unfortunately August isn't looking like it's going to come to fruition (been pretty busy with work and other things). However, I'm getting close to a working beta version. Hoping to have it available for download soon.
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Re: Coming Soon: Upload a save file to autofill profile stats!

Postby Hlaalu66 » September 15th, 2016, 8:09 pm

This is just amazing!
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Re: Coming Soon: Upload a save file to autofill profile stats!

Postby ciberzombie » September 19th, 2016, 8:58 pm

so what is progress now of this update?
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Re: Coming Soon: Upload a save file to autofill profile stats!

Postby Tom » September 21st, 2016, 3:59 am

The Windows client (which will automatically detect new game saves and update the character on elderstats.com) is very near a beta release. Since it is a beta release, some features will not be present, and some bugs may not be entirely worked out. However, this beta will be mostly functional, and will support Skyrim character saves (support for Oblivion saves is coming after the initial beta release). Currently, I'm working on adding a couple more small features to the Windows app and fixing a vexing bug. I'm hoping to have the app available for download in the next couple of weeks.

As for uploading save files directly on the Elder Stats website, that feature might come a bit after the beta release of the Windows client. Although they both use the same logic, the code will need to differ for the web uploader versus the Windows client, and thus extra time will be needed to complete the web uploader. But everything can be accomplished with the Windows client, and in fact, it is far more convenient since it automatically detects when you create new saves for your characters in the game.

All of this is coming very soon. It would be here already, but "real life" has been keeping me busy as of late. Thanks for your patience! :)
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Re: Coming Soon: Upload a save file to autofill profile stats!

Postby Tom » October 1st, 2016, 5:00 am

Finally, the Beta is released! Checkout the announcement here. Thanks for your patience, everyone.
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