
Black Ops

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Re: Black Ops

Postby The Ninja » January 10th, 2011, 9:26 pm

COMPLETE! The ending made me go "Wuuuut?!!?" at the character placement in the JFK picture. :P

Now I'll be running through on Normal to get the other achievements.
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Re: Black Ops

Postby The Ninja » January 20th, 2011, 12:01 am

Online isn't as good as MW2, having to unload over half a magazine in each opponent. Snipers are unbelievably nerfed. Can't play hardcore until a higher level and grenades are effected 20x more by gravity. :/

Among other news.... :)

Contracts aren't bad, I like being able to buy whatever attatchments I prefer, and I like to sabotage my opponents by creeping up behind them with my stealth perks.
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Re: Black Ops

Postby The Ninja » June 17th, 2011, 12:11 am

Well, I haven't played Bloack Ops in a long while. I'm having more fun in MW2, and then some in Halo: Reach. the only reason that I haven't sold this game/gotten rid of it is because of the zombie mode. I've had such good times on there.... Still thinking about getting rid of the game, though. :/

See thread "Need a game, and quick." I'd love any and al recommendations you might have.
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